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American U.S. Navy K-class blimp - Zeppelin built by Goodyear Aircraft Company. Used for anti submarine warfare. USA 1944 US M8 Greyhound Armoured Car Chattanooga prepare outside Bad Tolz 1945. 101st Cavalry Regiment German Wehrmacht army truck with petrol tanks and radio Funk wire rolls. Russia 1941. 297 Infantry Division German Wehrmacht petrol tanker in green yellow camouflage driving through river in Russia 1943 Luftwaffe driver pouring petrol into staff car on their way to Stuttgart on the autobahn. Germany 1940 German Marder 3 Panzer in La Goulette, Tunisia 1942 German General Hans Cramer in Afrika Korp staff car Horch 901, El Alamein 1942 German Afrika Korp Panzer 3 in Parade, South of Tunis, Tunisia 1943 15.5.1940 Captured French Peugeot Petrol Tanker in Bouly Wavre Belgien. Artillerie Regt.  50 The Blue Devils US 88th Infantry Division  in Italy 1944. Changing the Tyre of an American Willys MB Jeep. Surrendering 13th SS corps, Airfield near Bruck an der Grossglocknerstrasse Austria 1945, 101st Cavalry Regiment. German Panzer 4 beside pontoon bridge. 19th Panzer Division. Russia 1942. American airforce officers eat K rations beside 1942 Dodge WC-51 3/4 ton Weapons Carrier, France 1944. Captured French Char B1 in Le Cuttle, Gouy France 1940. 14th Panzer Division, schutzen regiment 103. American armoured cars of the 101st Cavalry Regiment park opposite SS troops in Kossen Austria 1945. American armoured cars of the 101st Cavalry Regiment park opposite SS troops in Kossen Austria 1945. US M8 Greyhound Armoured Car Chattanooga prepare outside Rosenheim 1945. 101st Cavalry Regiment Petrol Station in Milan Italy where Benito Mussolini was hung with mistress Clara Petacci 1 month after event 1945. German Marder 3 Panzer Column in La Goulette, Tunisia 1942 Afrika Korp Horch 901 unloaded from Messerschmitt Me 323 "Gigant" Transport Plane , El-Aouiana Airport, Tunisia 1942.