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Special duties german soldier castle Tower of the Latern La Rochelle France summer 1940 Special duties german soldier castle Tower of the Latern La Rochelle France summer 1940 Austrian Pre War fire brigade in Uniform Helmet fight fire burning farm house Ginzling Austria 1939 Violin music performance Vienna Austria 1939 Tour de la Chaine La Rochelle town scene occupied France 1940 Daughter and Mother winter clothes costume Hats scarfs Winter snow Ginzling Austria 1939 Typical Austrian family tea time cakes coffee costume Ginzling Austria 1939 Grandad Austria with german nazi party badge gold watch and jewellery Vienna Wien Austria 1939 Austrian Pre War fire brigade in Uniform Helmet fight fire burning farm house Ginzling Austria 1939 little boy hurt Austrian Pre War fire brigade in Uniform Helmet fight fire burning farm house Ginzling Austria 1939 Austrian Pre War fire brigade in Uniform Helmet fight fire burning farm house Ginzling Austria 1939 Tour de la Chaine La Rochelle town scene occupied France 1940. Fishing harbour. Castle Tower of the Latern La Rochelle beach occupation France 1940 Tour de la Chaine La Rochelle town scene occupied France 1940. Fishing harbour. German Luftwaffe Airforce Glider Pilot in flying uniform with leather hat and glooves Lubeck airport 1943 German Luftwaffe Glider Pilots Group photo flight boots Lubeck airport Germany 1943 WW2 Colour German Luftwaffe Glider Pilots in glider plane landed snow winter Lubeck Germany 1943 German Luftwaffe Airforce Glider Pilot in flying uniform with leather hat and glooves Lubeck airport 1943 German Luftwaffe Airforce Glider Pilot in flying uniform with leather hat and glooves Lubeck airport 1943 WW2 Colour Photo German Luftwaffe Glider Pilot in flight boots with petrol power generator Lubeck Germany 1943