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WW2 Color Poland Krakow 1940 St. Marys Basilica / Church, market, civilians Trams Colour Photo German Military soldiers Hospital Feldlazarett 634 Cherson Ukraine red cross 1942 German Military ambulance drives through busy populated town in Ukraine 1942 shops peasants German soldiers Kar98 rifle staff car Ukraine village 1942 Goat Russian POW Prisioners captured slave labour petrol depot river german officer Ukraine 1942 WW2 Color Poor peasents waiting for documents from german government office in town Ukraine hand made red flags 1942 WW2 Color German troop transport train with swastika red flag bridge smoke Ukraine river 1942 WW2 Color German wehrmacht army road signs village street town Ukraine 1942 winter snow WW2 Color German Wehrmacht army Cavalry officers with horses in Ukraine town 1943 Binoculars Hitler visit Ukraine airport FW 200 Condor Luftwaffe plane Hans Bau Adolf Hitler visiting troops in Ukraine airport camera plane transport film crew 1941 Wehrmacht heavy anti aircraft gun 88mm pulled by heavy halftrack summer town Ukraine 1943 WW2 Color Hitlers Staff Junkers 52 Transport Plane flying to Ukraine with hitler and OKH 1941 WW2 Color Hitler Private Junkers 52 Transport plane petrol tanker truck ground crew Ukraine 1941 WW2 Color Ukraine 1942 Italian military infantry soldiers with flag and red cross flag riffle kar98 WW2 Color German Wehrmacht army officers wounded Hospital Lazarett Ukraine 1943 WW2 Color German soldier painting military road signs in village Ukraine 1942 Ukraine German Military Panzer 615, 634,424, Repair Field Workstation workshop, panzer, mechanics, engineers woman with hat and coat in Ginzling, Austria 1939 Austrian Military Soldiers beside fisherman and canal in Ginzling Austria 1939