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forced labourers at the hydrogenation plant in Bruex/Maltheuern, Czechoslovakia 1942 hydrogenation plant in Bruex/Maltheuern, Czechoslovakia 1942 hydrogenation plant in Bruex/Maltheuern, Czechoslovakia 1942 workshop at the hydrogenation plant in Bruex/Maltheuern, Czechoslovakia 1942 American High Commissioner Medical  Wehrmacht soldiers in front of the school in Kandel, Germany 1940 Medical  Wehrmacht soldiers in front of the school in Kandel, Germany 1940 Medical  Wehrmacht field exercise in Kandel, Germany 1940 Medical  Wehrmacht field exercise in Kandel, Germany 1940 Medical  Wehrmacht field exercise in Kandel, Germany 1940 Medical  Wehrmacht field exercise in Kandel, Germany 1940 Medical  Wehrmacht field exercise in Kandel, Germany 1940 Medical  Wehrmacht field exercise in Kandel, Germany 1940 Medical  Wehrmacht field exercise in Kandel, Germany 1940 At the US Airforce Base on Johnston Island 1945 overhead railway in Yokohama, Japan 1945 Wehrmacht soldiers on the way through Brod, Yugoslavia 1941 Ferry over the river Save in Brod, Yugoslavia 1941 Ferry over the river Save in Brod, Yugoslavia 1941 Wehrmacht soldier sitting in the car in Breaza, Romania 1941