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Forum Mussolini in Rome, Italy 1938 Forum Mussolini in Rome, Italy 1938 fountain in Rome, Italy 1938 German woman visiting the ruins of Pompeii, Italy 1938 Horse carriage in Florence, Italy 1938 Soborna street and Spaso-Preobrazhenski cathedral in Sumy, Ukraine ~1941 soldier cemetery of the 5th SS-Panzer-Division Wiking in Uspenskaja, Ukraine ~1942 Karntner Strasse, Wiener Staatsoper Opera and Stephansdom in Vienna, Austria 1939 Konstanz offiziersheim, Home for military officers, 1939. German army truck car driving in winter 1939, Street to Titisee Lake, Baden Wurttemberg, 14th infantry division. Konstanz Germany 1936 Tower on the Rhine River Durrheim, Eisenbahnerheim and Solbad 1936, Children playing in field Linkenheim Hochstetten Breisach 1939 German army soldiers loading horse wagons WestWall. Linkenheim Hochstetten Breisach 1939 German army soldiers loading horse wagons WestWall. Heidelberg Castle 1936, view of city, Church of the Holy Spirit, Durrheim Postgebaude 1936 Postamp Post Office cart bike shops shoemaker house in Durrheim, Germany 1936 destroyed buildings at the Rüschkanal in Hamburg Finkenwerder, Germany 1946 destroyed bunker Fink II at the Rüschkanal in Hamburg Finkenwerder, Germany 1946 at the Beresina near Baryssau, Russia 1942