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Young man Ian Miller standing with his friends in traditional Scottish kilt near Edinburgh Scotland. War time 1944 Young boy holding the metal bars on the window. With his mother looking on from behind. Austria 1939 1936 Ford Four Door Sedan. American army officer with his lovely dog in Massachusetts USA 1941. The Bailie Nicol Jarvie Hotel, Aberfoyle, Scotland. Photographed by an American army officer in his stay 1944. Mein Zimmer bunt 1939. Father of German sailor showing proudly his sitting room. Leather chair, paintings, wall carpet. Mein Zimmer bunt 1939. Father of German sailor showing proudly his sitting room. Leather chair, paintings, wall carpet. American artillery army officer with his wife, mother and step mother visiting the beach for a day out. California USA 1942 Royal British Navy naval officer Lieutenant. Navy Academy  London England 1939 German army messenger Kradmelder on his BMW motorbike in Dunkirk France 1940 57th Infanterie Div Grenadier Regiment 199 Tourists visiting George Washington historical Mount Vernon private Home. Mount Vernon, VA 22121. USA America 1945 Mechanized troops of the 101st Cavalry Regiment capture Willy Messerschmitt family house in Murnau Bavaria 1945 US M8 Greyhound Armoured Car Chattanooga prepare outside Bad Tolz 1945. 101st Cavalry Regiment Assumption Cathedral in Kharkiv. Church on main shop street. Badly bombed. Kharkiv Ukraine 1942. Kharkov Army driver in his 1938 Opel Super 6 Cabriolet staff car in a Russian field near Stalingrad 1941. 297 Infantry Division German NSU Kettenkrad half track motorbike of the 19th Panzer Division. Radio cable version with trolley. Russia 1942 1938 Opel Super 6 Cabriolet staff car hidden in bushes in Russia 1941. 297 Infantry Division Army driver with his 1938 Opel Super 6 Cabriolet staff car in Russian field. Russia 1941. 297 Infantry Division. W-4246. German infantry officer using his field binoculars in France 1940. 297 Infantry Division. Army driver in his 1938 Opel Super 6 Cabriolet staff car in destroyed french town France 1940. 297 Infantry Division Lead German Panzer 4 of the  11th Panzer Division Surrender in Neumark, Czechoslovakia, May 1945