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US M8 Greyhound Armoured Car crash out side of Bad Tolz Bavaria 1945. 101st Cavalry Regiment Berliner with Leica camera. Lustgarten and Altes Museum Berlin 1940. Tag Der Wehrmacht. Julius Streicher. founder of the virulently anti-Semitic newspaper Der Sturmer. NUREMBERG TRIAL 1946 Ernst Kaltenbrunner. Chief of the Reich Main Security Office. NUREMBERG TRIAL 1946 German police men and children humiliating Jewish Slave Laborer, Poland 1941. Chinatown New York City USA 1947 German Army Half track 251. 14th Panzer Divison. Russia Don 1942. Before entering Stalingrad Gauleiter August Eigrube Inspecting troops  in Budweiser / Ceske Budejovice 1939 in  Czech Republic German Panzer 3 tanks used to transport infantry through ice cold Russian landscape, Russian winter end 1943. German Panzer 3 of the 4th Panzer Army, Sun setting on Russian Front 1942. Gzhatsk Gagarin. Smolensk Oblast Hofburg Spanische Reitschule in Vienna, Austria 1939 Gasthof Zum Weissen Lamm in Melk, Austria 1939 Melk abbey in Melk, Austria 1939 Melk abbey in Melk, Austria 1939 Deutsche Reichspost bus in Mala, Czechoslovakia 1939 At the US Airforce Base on Johnston Island 1945 British World Speed Record Racing Car Thunderbolt in Bonneville Salt Flats, USA 1937 Farmhouse near Riwne, Ukraine 1941 Half finished farmhouse near Riwne, Ukraine 1941 Farmhouses near Riwne, Ukraine 1941