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Young woman collecting water outside home in Stuttgart Germany 1939 Cyclists in city centre of Stuttgart Germany 1939. Children in tram Strassenbahn Stuttgart Germany 1942. Local german  farmer on the outskirts of Stuttgart 1939. Fernsprecher. Public Telephone in Stuttgart Germany 1939. Model Railway in Killesbergpark Stuttgart Germany 1939 Karlsplatz, Stuttgart Germany. Winter 1939. Wilhelm I. Denkmal. The old castle, Altes Schloss American airforce officers eat K rations beside 1942 Dodge WC-51 3/4 ton Weapons Carrier, France 1944. American war reporter reloaded his 16mm film camera with new film, France 1944. American GIs waiting for Invasion of Europe, D-Day. Kent England 1944. American comedian Bob Hope doing USO show for American soldiers in front of German Troop Bunker Bremerhaven 1945 American troops enter Hamburg Germany 1945. Battle of Hamburg. Neue Elbbrücke. Grossdeutschland Kaserne, Heidelberg Germany, 1945. Campbell Barracks. Headquarters of the Seveth US  Army Rome 1942. Fontana delle Naiadi. Piazza della repubblica. American armoured cars of the 101st Cavalry Regiment park opposite SS troops in Kossen Austria 1945. American armoured cars of the 101st Cavalry Regiment park opposite SS troops in Kossen Austria 1945. Church Notre Dame la Grande, Poitiers France 1940. Sand Bags ready for Blitzkrieg Government building, Zhovtneva Street, Poltava Ukraine 1941, German infantry crossing River Ros, Bila Zerkwa Ukraine 1941, St. Mary Magdalene Church. 9. Infantry Division. Dead Russian Soldier beside 45mm M.1932 Anti-tank Gun. Dubno. Battle of Brodny 1941. 9. Infantry Division