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Office inside the barracks in Okinawa, Japan 1946 Road in Okinawa, Japan 1946 US military in Okinawa, Japan 1946 At the Buckner Bay in Okinawa, Japan 1946 At the Buckner Bay in Okinawa, Japan 1946 At the Buckner Bay in Okinawa, Japan 1946 St. Germain church in Auxerre, France 1940 Belfried in Armentiéres, France 1940 St. Quentin, France 1940 Cathedral in Auxerre, France 1940 Cathedral in Auxerre, France 1940 Family visiting german soldier in Lindau army camp. Luitpold Kaserne. 1943 Hotel Bad Schachen Lindau 1943 German army officer of Grenadier Ersatz Bataillon 488 ( Lindau ) on leave in Venice, Italy 1943. Residenzplatz Salzburg Austria 1940. St. Michael Church. direction Mozartplatz and mountain Kapuzinerberg Residenzplatz Salzburg Austria 1940. St. Michael Church. direction Mozartplatz and mountain Kapuzinerberg Getreidegasse, direction St. Blasius Church. Salzburg Austria 1940 American GI soldier 9th air force resting in forest camp. Erlangen near Nuremberg Bavaria 1945. Residenzbrunnen Fountain beside Salzburg Dom Church.  Residenzplatz. 1940 Residenzbrunnen Fountain beside Salzburg Dom Church.  Residenzplatz. 1940