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Destroyed captured by Germans, British armored car Morris Commercial C8 FAT in battlefield Greece 1942. welcoming of the Wehrmacht in Bozen, Italy, 1940 German army medical ambulance red cross captured British bedford trucks Greece coast 1942 motorbike sidecar. SS parade in Leoben, Austria 1938 German army victory parade music band Champs Élysées Paris 1940 staff car march. German Luftwaffe Flak AA Parade Inspection near Paris France 1940 anti aircraft destroyed cathedral in Amiens, France 1940 destroyed cathedral in Amiens, France 1940 destroyed cathedral in Amiens, France 1940 Arc de Triomphe Paris France 1940 German occupation soldiers Wehrmacht military parade march FLAK luftwaffe soldiers at the Rue de la Cité in Paris, France 1940 German Luftwaffe Flak AA Parade Inspection near Paris France 1940 anti aircraft Arc de Triomphe paris france 1940 german occupation soldiers wehrmacht military Arc de Triomphe paris france 1940 german occupation soldiers wehrmacht military Arc de Triomphe Paris France 1940 German occupation soldiers Wehrmacht military Arc de Triomphe paris france 1940 german occupation soldiers wehrmacht military gebirgsjager binoculars Edelweiss Norway summer 1942 jacket Wehrmacht soldier parade PAK cannon machine gun MG34 town Germany 1940 Hotel Restaurant Adolfbaude, Czechoslovakia 1941 Bavaria 1939 Hotel beside road agfacolor