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woman with fur coat and big hat at the Völkerschlachtdenkmal Leipzig, Germany, 1940 Woman standing in front of the Grassi Museum in Leipzig, Germany 1940 Conditorei Pavillon in Leipzig, Germany 1941 Preußenstraße near Völkerschlachtdenkmal, Leipzig, Germany 1941 Water tower, Leipzig, Germany 1940 Königsplatz Leipzig, Germany 1941 woman with fur coat in Leipzig, Germany 1941 family in Leipzig, Germany 1940 Woman in Leipzig, Germany 1940 apartment block in Leipzig-Thonberg, Germany 1941 mother with daughters in the Palmengarten (Palm Garden) in Leipzig, Germany 1940 Leipzig Germany 1945 destruction destroyed ruins US army 69th infantry division Wedding, village near Leipzig Germany 1940 Leipzig Neues Rathaus Deutsche Bank New City Hall Germany 1940 Leipzig 1945 ruins destroyed bombed 69th infantry division allied USA army Königsplatz in Leipzig, Germany 1940 Dresdner Hof in Leipzig, Germany 1940 Leipzig Marktplatz Siegesdenkmal monument market flags propaganda poster Germany 1940 color agfacolor Siegesdenkmal at the market place in Leipzig, Germany 1940 wounded german officers in hospital, Romania 1942