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69th, infantry, division, Leipzig, Germany, June, 23, 1945, Russian, officers, volkerschlachtdenkmal, 69th, infantry, division, Leipzig, June 23 1945, Volkerschlachtdenkmal, Battle of Nations, Beggs, Sullivan, 69th infantry division - Leipzig - Germany - 1945 Runde Ecke the Brandenburg gate in Berlin, Germany 1936 Weihnachtsschützenplatz at the Maximilianstrasse in Berchtesgaden, Germany 1941 fountain at the market place in Berchtesgaden, Germany 1941 At the market place in Berchtesgaden, Germany 1941 At the Rathausplatz in Berchtesgaden, Germany 1941 Arcades at the Schlossplatz in Berchtesgaden, Germany 1941 Am Doktorberg in Berchtesgaden, Germany 1941 Getreidegasse in Salzburg, Austria 1940 finnish woman skiing, Finland 1944 finnish women with their children, Finland 1944 wooden cabin in Finland 1944 Normandy France 1944 German Wehrmacht medic sanitater friend Adolf-Wagner-Platz in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany ~1939 Adolf-Wagner-Platz in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany ~1939 parade with medieval costumes during the "Heimatfest" in Waldheim, Germany 1939 parade during the "Heimatfest" in Waldheim, Germany 1939 market place in Hildesheim, Germany ~1939