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Car crash outside London England 1944. Dodge M37 Us Army truck.  Soldiers joking about crash. British railway steam locomotive pulling cargo into train station beside London England 1944 First lieutenant U.S. Army. Signal Corps. Ninth Air Force. Summer England 1944 before D-Day invasion British Royal Hampshire Regiment Infantry with American M3 Half Tracks. Invasion Sicily July 1943. 231st Brigade. Cairo Egypt Leipzig Volkerschlachtdenkmal, Battle of Nations Monument Germany 1938 color agfacolor victory monument on market place Leipzig, Germany 1940 Volkssolidaritat Sachsen 1946. Marktplatz. Katharinenstrasse. Destroyed Altes Rathaus. Old Town Hall Leipzig Germany 1st of May 1946 Rally. Augustusplatz Leipzig Germany. The election of the SED political party. Start of the DDR Royal British Navy naval officer Lieutenant. Navy Academy  London England 1939 Kradschutzen Bataillon 8 Kradmelder Motorbike Messengers of the 8th Panzer Division. August 1942 Cholm Pocket. Russia Lt.General Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright. Washington DC. North America 1945. Victory end of the war speech. GIs of the 101st Cavalry Regiment in Ruhpolding Bavaria 1945 with captured sand camo Stoewer Typ 40 German army messenger Kradmelder on his BMW motorbike in Dunkirk France 1940 57th Infanterie Div Grenadier Regiment 199 Crashed Russian fighter plane YAK 9 into the side of a wooden temporary war bridge.  Russia 1941. 297 Infantry Division German army soldiers inspecting a burned out destroyed Russian army GAZ truck. 297 Infantry Division French Army Staff Car No. 24 crashed in the french ditch near Dunkirk France 1940. Wheels have been removed German Wehrmacht soldiers prisoner in open POW camp field outside of Berlin Germany 1945 American US army officers club. With view of the lake Wannsee beside Berlin Germany 1945 German Luftwaffe Junker JU Transport plane and Heinkel bomber wings on train freight cars in Magdeburg Germany 1945 Strassenbahn trams in Lichterfelde. borough of Steglitz-Zehlendorf in Berlin, Germany. 1945