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Taxi outside the Hotel Deutscher Kaiser. 2 Arnulfstrasse. Starnberger wing of Hauptbahnhof  Munich Germany 1942 City Hall and Tower in Dessau Saxony Anhalt Germany 1945 German Afrika Korps soldier in Kubelwagen Jeep on main road into Tripoli February 1941. 2. Panzer Nachrichten Abt. 200 Russian farmer boy in traditional cloths photographed by German war reporter on the Russian Front 1943 Bayerische Staatskanzlei / Bavarian State Chancellery from the Hofgarten Munich Germany 1940 Elefantenhaus / Elephant House in Tierpark Hellabrunn Zoo. Munich. Germany 1940 Afrika-Korp camo Horch 901 Kubelwagen. Tripoli February 1941. 2. Panzer Nachrichten Abt. 200 German Messerschmitt Bf 109 Fighter aircraft D model trainer on the Russia Front winter 1941. Russian village being burned to the ground for supporting Partisans. Near Rzhev Russia. Winter 1942. German PAK 38 Artillery crew with AdLer kubel near Rzhev Russia February 1942. 6th Infantry Division. Young Russian Prisoners of War taken capture by the Germans in Tarnopol Ukraine 1941 Young Russian Prisoners of War taken capture by the Germans in Tarnopol Ukraine 1941 Taras Shevchenko monument in Kharkiv Kharkov, Ukraine 1941 Taras Shevchenko monument in Kharkiv Kharkov, Ukraine 1941  Obernstrasse Bremen. direction Dom 1940 3 German soldiers from the same family in Neuotting Bavaria Germany 1942 American GI troops capturing German fuel supply depot outside Kaiserslautern Germany 1945 Ferry over the river Save in Brod, Yugoslavia 1941 French Army Hospital in Paris France 1940 under German occupation. Hopital Lariboisiere Soldier wearing period 1700 uniform. Collecting money for the Winterhilfswerk. Tag Der Wehrmacht. Zeughaus. Berlin 1940