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 Family bring their children to school. Beside red tram Strassenbahn No. 9. Warsaw Poland summer 1939 Adler 2.5L Convertible 1937. Berlin family doing holiday in Sudetenland Czechoslovakia 1939 Germans driving captured Russian GAZ truck beside repaired bridge in Smolensk Russia September 1941 Monument to the defenders of Smolensk in 1812 in Lopatinsky garden. Smolensk west Russia 1941. Totally destroyed city of Smolensk Western Russia after the first battle of Smolensk September 1941 Wehrmacht army vehicle convoy drive through bombed destroyed Smolensk Russia 1941, Parade, Civilians. Destroyed Russian tank and artillery column on outskirts of Smolensk July 1941. Russian Heavy Tank KV2 Gigant 152mm German soldiers with NSU motorbike with side car. Niederaussem Von-Galen Weg, Germany 1940 German soldiers with NSU motorbike with side car. Niederaussem Von-Galen Weg, Germany 1940 Totally destroyed city of Smolensk Western Russia after the first battle of Smolensk September 1941 German army Stoewer Typ 40 Kfz.1 Jeep parked outside of Smolensk Russia September 1941 Unterer Stadtplatz Kuftseiner Mark Kufstein Tirol Austria 1938. Mercedes bus. old classic cars. 44-35210 Douglas A-26C-30-DT Invader 8AF  3rd Combat Bombardment Wing 409BG 640BS W5G yellow rudder 1943 Crash landed American Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress in Dutch flower field. Holland 1944. Motors removed. The Flying White House. American USAF 42-107451 Douglas C-54A-5-DO Skymaster Sacred Cow. Transport the President. The Flying White House. American USAF 42-107451 Douglas C-54A-5-DO Skymaster Sacred Cow. Transport the President. Allied bombing of Austrian Vienna railway train bridge. May 1945. Battle damaged Vienna Austria May 1945. Local School badly damaged with piles of pricks on the road. Austrian flag. Victory monument on market place Leipzig, Germany 1940 Converted Hotel to Germany Army Hospital Soldatenheim. Occupied Paris France 1940. Cinzano advert. Green city bus