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little girl with a ball in Germany 1938 A German soldier wearing a captured Polish army hat. Shooting Training grounds in Poland 1939 42-24998 P-47G-5-CU Congaree Army Air Field (South Carolina, USA) - May 1, 1944 at Wampee Landing Strip The Blue Devils US 88th Infantry Division  in Italy 1944. Changing the Tyre of an American Willys MB Jeep. The Blue Devils US 88th Infantry Division training with smoke grenades in Italy 1944. GI holding his captured German helmet German Messerschmitt Bf 109 Fighter aircraft D model trainer on the Russia Front winter 1941. German PAK 38 Artillery crew with AdLer kubel near Rzhev Russia February 1942. 6th Infantry Division. A scrap yard of destroyed German army vehicles. Near Orel Russia 1941. A destroyed German army Bus near the main bridge in Orel Russia 1941 Thousand-yard stare. German army Doctor. December 1942. Sologubovka, Leningrad Oblast, Russia. 24th Infantry Division. A German soldier photographs his weapons. Polish Russian border Spring  1944. A German panzer radio man Funker driving in staff car past a Russian knocked out tank. Russian front 1941. Destroyed German Horch 901 staff car beside Russian captured tank. German motor Despatch rider Kradmelder Russia 1941. American GMC Jimmy cargo trucks parked outside a blown up Japanese government building. Naha Okinawa 1945 Australian Military Police man standing on the beaches of Sakishima 1945. Delivering some fresh Japanese POWs. An American army officer with his pet dog on the island of Okinawa 1945 Destroyed British army trucks lying on the beaches of Dunkirk after the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force May 1940 Horch 901, Medium staff car, white camouflage, Charkow, 1942, 1st Battery, 75th Panzer Artillery Reg, 3rd Panzer Division. Destroyed Soviet Russian T 26  light infantry tank and a BT 7 cavalry tanks in train station. Russia 1941. Captured Char B1  French heavy tank DROUOT with a camouflage FCM 36 Char leger Modele 1936 light infantry Tank. No.30036