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Panzer soldier from the 22nd Panzer Division talk to Ukrainian farmers, Crimea, Ukraine 1941, smoking man, Salzburg, Austria 1940 Army mechanics beside repair truck in Khislavichi, area Smolensk, Russia 1942,  10th Motorised infantry division Panzer mechanic smoking cigarette in overalls talk to local Russians, Cherson, 1942, 22nd Panzer Division Sveta Nedelya church in Sofia, Bulgaria 1942 Knights Cross Winner RKT Ritterkreuztrager with radio operator FUNK and combat soldiers, forest Russia 1942 Major of the 134th mountain troopers division in Landeck, Austria 1941, Pontlatz Kaserne Kiosk at the Augustusplatz in Leipzig, Germany 1940 wounded german officers in hospital, Romania 1942 Sachsenschänke in Lublin, Poland 1940 Thuringen Germany Smoking Cigar Park 1940 summer holiday restaurant on the Monte Pincio in Rome, Italy restaurant on the Monte Pincio in Rome, Italy