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Soldiers grave, Saint Anastasia Church, Hlukhiv, Ukraine, 1942, 3rd Panzer Division, 75th Panzer Artillery Reg, Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Kozelets, Ukraine 1942 Red Square, Dzerzhinsky Square, Kharkov, Kharkiv, 1941, 94. Infantry Division, Swords, Meissen, Signal corp, Radio, Funk, summergarden at the fairground in Berlin-Charlottenburg, Germany ~1949 Russian women search destroyed family house, Bombed by air attack. 22nd Panzer Division, Don, Tschir, 1943, Captured Russian POW soldiers marching west.10th Motorised infantry division repair werkstatt Bryansk 1941 houses at the Hallstätter See in Hallstatt, Austria 1940 Derzhprom, Gosprom building in the occupied Charkow 1942 Culture Palace at the Puschkin Park in Kramatorsk, Ukraine ~1942 Haus der Kunst in Munich, Germany 1938 Haus der Kunst in Munich, Germany 1938 Ehrentempel, Konigsplatz, Munich 1936, SS military guard. changing of the guard. Ehrentempel, Konigsplatz, Munich 1936, SS military guard. changing of the guard. mountain troopers marching at the Imsterberg in Landeck, Austria 1941 mountain troopers marching in Landeck, Austria 1941 mountain troopers marching with gas masks in Landeck, Austria 1941 mountain troopers marching with gas masks in Landeck, Austria 1941 mountain troopers marching on the Trams in Landeck, Austria 1941, Pontlatz Kaserne mountain troopers marching over the Hoher Riffler in Landeck, Austria 1941, Pontlatz Kaserne mountain troopers at the parade ground in Landeck, Austria 1941, Pontlatz Kaserne