Major of the 134th mountain troopers division in Landeck, Austria 1941, Pontlatz Kaserne,
little girl playing with her dolls and dollhouse, Germany 1938
at the river Rhine in Cologne, Germany 1944
by Franz Krieger
at the Beresina near Baryssau, Russia 1942
by Franz Krieger
Amberg, Vilsstraße mit Vilstor, 1940, Hans Stadlbauer, shops, city wall, tower, adverts,
Amberg Germany, Vils River, Stadtbrille Bridge, 1940, Obltn Wehr. Hans Stadlbauer
Amberg Germany, Vils River, Amberg_qt_s Nabburger Tor, City Gate, Hans Stadlbauer, 1940
Amberg Germany, Vils River, St. Martin Church, Bridge, Hans Stadlbauer, 1940.
destroyed buildings at the river Swislatsch in Minsk, Belarus, Russia 1941
destroyed buildings at the Zakharievskaya in Minsk, Belarus, Russia 1941
by Franz Krieger
destroyed buildings at the river Swislatsch in Minsk, Belarus, Russia 1941
by Franz Krieger
destroyed buildings at the Gubernatorskaja street and the Sobornaja square in Minsk with the government building and the Hotel Europa, Belarus, Russia 1941
by Franz Krieger
destroyed buildings at the plošca Svabody in Minsk and the Cathedral of Saint Virgin Mary, Belarus, Russia 1941
by Franz Krieger
German children in Wehrmacht uniform, Berchtesgaden Bavaria, Germany 1945, Last fight in forest.
Heinkel He 59 - Reconnaissance / Attack Floatplane Aircraft
Luftwaffe, Tripoli harbour in Libya, 1942.
German Luftwaffe crew in tropical uniform load a Seaplane Dornier Do 24, Tripoli harbour in Libya, 1942.
Damaged German Luftwaffe Seaplane Dornier Do 24, Tripoli harbour in Libya, 1942.