destroyed buildings at the Ducale Square with the statue of Charles de Gonzague in Charleville-Mézières, France 1940
destroyed buildings at the Ducale Square in Charleville-Mézières, France 1940
Ducale Square with the statue of Charles de Gonzague in Charleville-Mézières, France 1940
destroyed bridge over the river Maas and church "La Collégiale Notre-Dame" in Dinant, Belgium 1940
"Tourist taxis" at the Charles de Gaulle Square in Paris, France 1944
Boulevard des Capucines / Rue des Capucines in Paris, France 1944
Boulevard des Palais Garnier and Gaumont Opéra in Paris, France 1944
Gabriel Péri Square and Saint-Lazare station in Paris, France 1944
Président Wilson Ave equestrian statue at the Place d_qt_Iena in Paris, France 1944
Moncey-statue at the Place de Clichy in Paris, France 1944
69th infantry division - Leipzig - Germany - 1945 - Destroyed main train station, Hauptbahnhof Leipzig, ruins
69th infantry division - Leipzig - Germany - 1945 - Military Road Sign - Ring Messehaus
69th infantry division - Leipzig - Germany - 1945 - Welcome Sign - GI
69th infantry division - Leipzig - Germany - 1945 Damaged Monument of Nations - Volkerschlachtdenkmal
69th infantry division - Leipzig - Germany - 1945 - Military Road Sign - Ring Messehaus
69th infantry division - Leipzig - Germany - 1945 - WW1 war memorial - Market square - Marktplatz
69th infantry division - Leipzig - Germany - 1945 - Runde Ecke - June - CP - Sgt Albrecht