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German Panzer tank repair station crane garages Ukraine Tarnopol 1942, 9th Panzer Division - Von Kleist Gruppe SUD
German Panzer tank repair station crane garages Ukraine Tarnopol 1942, 9th Panzer Division - Von Kleist Gruppe SUD

German Panzer tank repair station crane garages Ukraine Tarnopol 1942, 9th Panzer Division - Von Kleist Gruppe SUD

bridgehouse at the Rue Maurice Cornette in Bergues, France 1941
bridgehouse at the Rue Maurice Cornette in Bergues, France 1941

bridgehouse at the Rue Maurice Cornette in Bergues, France 1941
monastery Saint-Winoc (Tour Carrée and Tour Pointu)

Stortorvet and the Oslo cathedral, Norway 1940
Stortorvet and the Oslo cathedral, Norway 1940

Stortorvet and the Oslo cathedral, Norway 1940

Loading a ship in the Oslo harbour, Norway 1940
Loading a ship in the Oslo harbour, Norway 1940

Loading a ship in the Oslo harbour, Norway 1940

Fishing in the Oslo harbour, Norway 1940
Fishing in the Oslo harbour, Norway 1940

Fishing in the Oslo harbour, Norway 1940

town hall at the Marienplatz in Munich, Germany 1939
town hall at the Marienplatz in Munich, Germany 1939

town hall at the Marienplatz in Munich, Germany 1939

Maria-Theresien-Strasse in Innsbruck, Austria 1939
Maria-Theresien-Strasse in Innsbruck, Austria 1939

Maria-Theresien-Strasse with the St Annas Column Servites church (St. Josef) in Innsbruck, Austria 1939

shops on the Grafton Street in Dublin, Ireland 1939
shops on the Grafton Street in Dublin, Ireland 1939

shops on the Grafton Street in Dublin, Ireland 1939

Giant_qt_s Causeway at the sea coast of the Antrim plateau, Ireland 1939
Giant_qt_s Causeway at the sea coast of the Antrim plateau, Ireland 1939

Giant_qt_s Causeway at the sea coast of the Antrim plateau, Ireland 1939

Annunciation Cathedral in Kharkov, Ukraine
Annunciation Cathedral in Kharkov, Ukraine

Annunciation Cathedral in Kharkov, Ukraine

German War Photographer Reporter Kriegsberichter Italy 1944 with Leica Camera
German War Photographer Reporter Kriegsberichter Italy 1944 with Leica Camera

German War Photographer Reporter Kriegsberichter Italy 1944 with Leica Camera

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Syntagma Square in Athens, Greece 1944
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Syntagma Square in Athens, Greece 1944

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Syntagma Square in Athens, Greece 1944

Krakowskie Przedmieście in Lublin, Poland 1939
Krakowskie Przedmieście in Lublin, Poland 1939

Krakowskie Przedmieście in Lublin, Poland 1939
Zespol klasztomy oo Kapucynow

Krakowskie Przedmieście / Hotel Europa in Lublin, Poland 1939
Krakowskie Przedmieście / Hotel Europa in Lublin, Poland 1939

Krakowskie Przedmieście / Hotel Europa Lublin, Poland 1939
Plac Litewski, Union-memorial, Zespol klasztomy oo Kapucynow

apartment block / gardens in Leipzig, Germany 1941
apartment block / gardens in Leipzig, Germany 1941

apartment block / gardens in Leipzig, Germany 1941

Johanniskirche in LeipzIg, Germany 1941
Johanniskirche in LeipzIg, Germany 1941

Johanniskirche in LeipzIg, Germany 1941