fountain at the market place in Berchtesgaden, Germany 1941
mountain trooper Uffz Erich Thalemann skiing in Finland 1944
by Hugo Krause
watchtower in snowy landscape, Finland 1944
by Hugo Krause
mountain troops (Gebirgsjaeger) in front of a train in Finland, January 1944
by Hugo Krause
finnish women with their children in front of their cabin, Finland 1944
Gebirgsjaeger on skis on frozen lake in Finland 1944
by Hugo Krause
town hall at the Marienplatz in Munich, Germany 1939
Maria-Theresien-Strasse with the St Annas Column Servites church (St. Josef) in Innsbruck, Austria 1939
view over Lublin, Poland 1939
church of Visitation of Mary, church of Peter and Paul, church of Transfiguration, town hall, Krakow gate
Kapucyńska, bombed building in Lublin Poland 1939
apartment block / gardens in Leipzig, Germany 1941