Stuka JU 87 Dive Bomber. Sturzkampfgeschwader 51. III. Gruppe. RKT Johann Zemsky. August 1942 Stalingrad
Juno cigarettes poster. Behind the Giesshaus. Between Zeughaus and Neue Wache. Berlin 1940
Baldur von Schirach. Fomer German Youth Leader and Governor of Vienna. NUREMBERG TRIALS 1946
Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel. Chief of the Armed Forces High Command. NUREMBERG TRIALS 1946.
Infantry soldiers training with MG34 machine gun, Mp40 machine pistols, France, Niort, 1940. 22. Panzer Division.
Wartime German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop. Nuremberg Trials 1946
Wartime German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop. Nuremberg Trials 1946
Rudolf Hess, Deputy to Hitler until 1941. NUREMBERG TRIALS 1946
Albert Speer. Hitlers Architect. Nuremberg Trial 1946
Former Head of German Air force. Hermann Goering. Nuremberg Trial 1946
Former Head of German Air force. Hermann Goering. Nuremberg Trial 1946
Gauleiter August Eigrube Inspecting troops in Budweiser / Ceske Budejovice 1939 in Czech Republic
camouflaged radio car Horch 901 near Riwne, Ukraine 1941
The _qt_Wilhelm Gustloff_qt_ at the harbour of Genoa, Italy 1939
The _qt_Wilhelm Gustloff_qt_ at the harbour of Genoa, Italy 1939