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Results (13)

 Family bring their children to school. Beside red tram Strassenbahn No. 9. Warsaw Poland summer 1939
Family bring their children to school. Beside red tram Strassenbahn No. 9. Warsaw Poland summer 1939

Family bring their children to school. Beside red tram Strassenbahn No. 9. Warsaw Poland summer 1939

Jewish Forced labour eating on a Starvation Diet in Polish Ghetto. Winter 1942. German police guard watches.
Jewish Forced labour eating on a Starvation Diet in Polish Ghetto. Winter 1942. German police guard watches.

Jewish Forced labour eating on a Starvation Diet in Polish Ghetto. Winter 1942. German police guard watches.

Lotz Ghetto Poland 1941 street life
Lotz Ghetto Poland 1941 street life

Lotz Ghetto Poland 1941 Street life with horse cart, shop.

SA Commander. Lotz Ghetto Poland 1942.  parade salute
SA Commander. Lotz Ghetto Poland 1942. parade salute

SA Commander. Lotz Ghetto Poland 1942. parade salute

SA Commander. Lotz Ghetto Poland 1942.  parade salute
SA Commander. Lotz Ghetto Poland 1942. parade salute

SA Commander. Lotz Ghetto Poland 1942. parade salute

SA SS Lotz Ghetto Poland 1942.  parade salute Schmalz Kurt Greiser Arthur
SA SS Lotz Ghetto Poland 1942. parade salute Schmalz Kurt Greiser Arthur

SA SS Lotz Ghetto Poland 1942. parade salute Schmalz Kurt Greiser Arthur

SA officers in Sieradz, Poland 1942 Lotz Ghetto
SA officers in Sieradz, Poland 1942 Lotz Ghetto

SA officers in front of the "Deutsches Gasthaus" at the Polskiej Organizacji Wojskowej in Sieradz, Poland 1942
Lotz Ghetto

Lutsk Ghetto, Danyla Halyts
Lutsk Ghetto, Danyla Halyts

Lutsk Ghetto, Danyla Halyts_qt_koho St bzw. Marktplatz, Market, майдан ринок, Ukraine, July 1941, 94. Infantry Division,

Russian Communist Statues in ruins, Village, 94. Infantry Division, staff car, Meissen Division, Saxony, Saxon,

Danyla Halyts_qt_koho St bzw. Marktplatz (майдан ринок) im Ghetto von Lutsk

Lutsk Ghetto, Danyla Halyts
Lutsk Ghetto, Danyla Halyts

Lutsk Ghetto, Danyla Halyts_qt_koho St bzw. Marktplatz, Market, майдан ринок, Ukraine, July 1941, 94. Infantry Division,

ruins, Village, 94. Infantry Division, staff car, Meissen Division, Saxony, Saxon,

Danyla Halyts_qt_koho St bzw. Marktplatz (майдан ринок) im Ghetto von Lutsk

Polish Ghetto Guard in blue jacket. Armband with blue V. and police baton. Kriegsberichter Franz Krieger
Polish Ghetto Guard in blue jacket. Armband with blue V. and police baton. Kriegsberichter Franz Krieger

Polish Ghetto Guard in blue jacket. Armband with blue V. and police baton. Kriegsberichter Franz Krieger

Lotz Ghetto Poland 1941 street life
Lotz Ghetto Poland 1941 street life

Lotz Ghetto Poland 1941 Street life with horse cart, road sign for Brzeziny and Strykow

Lotz Ghetto Poland 1941 street life Ulica Zgierska corner Plac Koscielny
Lotz Ghetto Poland 1941 street life Ulica Zgierska corner Plac Koscielny

Lotz Ghetto Poland 1941 Street life with horse cart, road sign for Brzeziny and Strykow, Ulica Zgierska corner Plac Koscielny

WW2 color Warsaw Ghetto German Business man with family car camera OST 1939 Poland winter city horse wagon
WW2 color Warsaw Ghetto German Business man with family car camera OST 1939 Poland winter city horse wagon

WW2 color Warsaw Ghetto German Business man with family car camera OST 1939 Poland winter city horse wagon