Russian farmer pulling German 3.7cm PaK cannon through Mud, September 1941. Poltava, Donez, Ukraine.
Photographer Bohme belonging to 57. Infantry regiment, 9. Infantry Division.
German Cargo Ship in Bordeaux Harbour France 1940. Large Crane and Industry.
German Cargo Ship in Bordeaux Harbour France 1940. Large Crane and Industry.
Photographer: Bohme, member of the 57. infantry regiment, 9. infantry division.
Train Station Ruffec France 1940, German Military Music Band playing for soldiers
Photographer Bohme belonging to 57. Infantry regiment. 9. Infantry Division.
Ruffec/ Frankreich Musikkapelle auf dem Bahnsteig
Train Station Ruffec France 1940, German Military Music Band playing for soldiers
Photographer Bohme belonging to 57. Infantry regiment. 9. Infantry Division.
Ruffec/ Frankreich Musikkapelle auf dem Bahnsteig
German Horse Wagon pushes through Mud Road, Panzer 3 Stug, September 1941. Poltava, Donez, Ukraine.
Photographer Bohme belonging to 57. Infantry regiment, 9. Infantry Division.
Wehrmacht soldier at the Sommergarten in Berlin, Germany ~1940
Wehrmacht soldier next to a sculpture of two horses at the park in Berlin, Germany ~1940
Wehrmacht soldier at the park in Berlin, Germany ~1940
Tram at the Schlossplatz near Fürstenstraße in Stuttgart, Germany ~1940
Lieutenant General Emil Kern, Austrian Staff General responsible for war bridges, 4th German Army. France 1940
Lieutenant General Emil Kern, Austrian Staff General responsible for war bridges, 4th German Army. France 1940
two women selling fish in a push cart in Kiel, Germany 1939
memorial at the Hindenburgufer in Kiel, Germany 1939