Tourists visiting George Washington historical Mount Vernon private Home. Mount Vernon, VA 22121. USA America 1945
Tourist Steam Barge on the River Elbe near Konigstein Saxony near Dresden 1939
A tourist ferry crosses the River Elbe in front of the Port harbour Hamburg 1938
German Tourists laying in the sun on board a German KDF Cruise liner in the Norwegian Fjords. 1937
A defense machine gun bunker / pillbox on the Germany Czechoslovakia border 1938. Photographed by German tourists
Adler 2.5L Convertible 1937. Berlin family doing holiday in Sudetenland Czechoslovakia 1939
German army officer of Grenadier Ersatz Bataillon 488 ( Lindau ) on leave in Venice, Italy 1943.
German army officer of Grenadier Ersatz Bataillon 488 ( Lindau ) on leave in Venice, Italy 1943.
German tourists visit Yugoslavia by train 1938.
ABCah 14560
Busy Fishing Commerce Harbour to Istanbul Turkey 1937.
visitors at the U-Boat memorial in Laboe, Germany August 1939
Potsdam Palace near Berlin 1940, Orangerieschloss, Neue Orangerie
Potsdam Palace near Berlin 1940, Orangerieschloss, Neue Orangerie