Germany army Kradmelder motorbike Messenger racing to Stalingrad summer 1942. 297 Infantry Division
German army in Afrika korp tropical uniform arrive in Krim Crimea Ukraine 1942. Kradmelder Motorbike unit
Crashed Russian MIG3 high altitude interceptor. Jelnja, June, Smolensk Oblast. 1942. 19th Panzer Division.
Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring
Destroyed late model Panzer IV with steel mesh Drahtgeflecht Schurzen . Siegfried Line Winter 1944
on the hull and standard steel plate Schürzen around the turret. The original caption describes the Panzer IV as a victim of the Ninth Air Force in the Luxembourg sector during the German retreat to the Siegfried Line.
Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring
US Air Force Liberator 7AF Guam Marianas
Liberator 7AF 11BG431BS Bolivar Jr en route Harmon Field Guam Marianas Islands 6th Jun 1945
Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring
B 25J Liberator Marshall Isls 1944
42 73029 B 25J Liberator 7AF 11BG43BS over Kwajalein Marshall Isls June 1944 A63766
Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring
B 24J Liberator Kwajalein Marshall 1944
42 73029 B 24J Liberator 7AF 11BG431BS over Kwajalein Marshall Isls June 1944 B63766
Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring
B-24J Liberator Marshall Islands 1944
42 72994 B-24J Liberator 7AF 30BG27BS Bolivar Kwajalein Marshall Islands 4th July 1944 A63789
Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring
B 24J Liberator Marshall Islands 1944
42 72973 B 24J Liberator 7AF-30BG38BS Come Closer Kwajalein Marshall Islands 9th April 1944 A63425
Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring
Fifth Army, Torre Tre Ponti Area, Italy. Destroyed "Tiger" [Panther MK V] Tank, Route 7, Just outside of Torre Tre Ponti
Captured Russian T20 armored tractor Komsomolets. Ukraine 1942
Luftwaffe driver pouring petrol into staff car on their way to Stuttgart on the autobahn. Germany 1940
Acropolis of Athens, The City of Goddess Athena Greece 1937
German officers in underpants, Romania 1942 with BMW motorbike and captured french Peugeot 402, notek,
Generalfeldmarschalls Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel inspecting ruins in Athens Greece 1941
German Wehrmacht army officer. Army Justice Inspector. Germany 1940 Heeresjustizinspektor
German army truck beside bombed oil storage tanks near Sea of Asov Ukraine 1942
Destroyed German RSO Raupenschlepper tractor in heavily bombed Belgium town 1944
German 35mm slide projector with a Deckfix color slide. Family photos and photo album. Flowers. Munich Germany 1938