Makeshift Combat Hospital in Ruhpolding Bavaria 1945 for German POWs and American Gis
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg
American army Willy Jeep of the 101st Cavalry Regiment enter destroyed Milan Italy 1945.
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg
German army officers surrender to men of the 101st Cavalry Regiment in Ruhpolding Bavaria 1945.
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg
Soldiers Field, US Army captured Nuremberg Rally field 1945.
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg
Nuremberg Trials 1945, Head Nazis being tried for War Crimes. Palace of Justice, Nuremberg.
Saalfelden train station 1945, German Kubelwagen 82 beside American Willi Jeep, Albert Kesselring surrender.
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg
US M8 Greyhound Armoured Car Chattanooga prepare outside Rosenheim 1945. 101st Cavalry Regiment
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg
Karlstor city gate into Munich 1945, 101st, Cavalry Regiment arrive in destroyed city.
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg
Petrol Station in Milan Italy where Benito Mussolini was hung with mistress Clara Petacci 1 month after event 1945.
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg
visitors at the U-Boat memorial in Laboe, Germany August 1939
Surrendering SS Panzer officer standing guard outside of Hotel with American soldiers / pre surrender Schwendt Austria 1945
German Stug Panzer officer guarding American officers of the 101st Cavalry Regiment one day before Surrender from SS General Max Simon. Protecting Americans under order of Max Simon.
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg
SS Chief of Staff Ekkehard Albert talking to American army translator (101st Cavalry Regiment) Schwendt Austria 1945
Chief of Staff for SS General Max Simon. During surrender of Waffen SS forces in Austrian Mountains. ( 13th SS corps )
Standing beside Waffen SS Stug Panzer officer.
Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg
Garden of the bath and sanatorium in Baden near Vienna, Austria 1937
Dead Russian Soldier beside 45mm M.1932 Anti-tank Gun. Dubno. Battle of Brodny 1941. 9. Infantry Division
Photographer officer Bohme from the 57. infantry regiment. 9. Infantry Division.
Farming children in Poltava Ukraine 1941, Wearing traditional local costume.
Officer Photographer Bohme belonging to the 57. Infantry Regiment, 9. Infantry Division.
Farming children in Lviv Ukraine 1941, Wearing traditional local costume.
Officer Photographer Bohme belonging to the 57. Infantry Regiment, 9. Infantry Division.
Chateau de la Mercery, Magnac-Lavalette-Villars France 1940. German soldiers with iron cross medal
Photographer officer Bohme from the 57. infantry regiment. 9. Infantry Division.
Soviet tractor S-65 used to pull out Wehrmacht trucks out of the mud, September 1941. Poltava, Donez, Ukraine.
Photographer Bohme belonging to 57. Infantry regiment, 9. Infantry Division.
Old Parkhotel at the Wörthersee in Pörtschach, Austria 1939
Lieutenant General Emil Kern, Austrian Staff General responsible for war bridges, 4th German Army. France 1940