Regiment 6
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Results (21)

German soldiers of Kavallerie Schutzen Regiment 6. Russia 1942 Traditionsabzeichen Schwedter Adler. Kradschutzen-Bataillon 3
German soldiers of Kavallerie Schutzen Regiment 6. Russia 1942 Traditionsabzeichen Schwedter Adler. Kradschutzen-Bataillon 3

German soldiers of Kavallerie Schutzen Regiment 6. Russia 1942 Traditionsabzeichen Schwedter Adler. Kradschutzen-Bataillon 3

Germany Mg34 teams of the Kavallerie Schutzen Regiment 6. Russia 1942. Traditionsabzeichen Schwedter Adler. cuff title.
Germany Mg34 teams of the Kavallerie Schutzen Regiment 6. Russia 1942. Traditionsabzeichen Schwedter Adler. cuff title.

Germany Mg34 teams of the Kavallerie Schutzen Regiment 6. Russia 1942. Traditionsabzeichen Schwedter Adler. cuff title.

Germany Infantry of the Kavallerie Schutzen Regiment 6. Russia 1942. Traditionsabzeichen Schwedter Adler. White armband.
Germany Infantry of the Kavallerie Schutzen Regiment 6. Russia 1942. Traditionsabzeichen Schwedter Adler. White armband.

Germany Infantry of the Kavallerie Schutzen Regiment 6. Russia 1942. Traditionsabzeichen Schwedter Adler. White armband.

German army messenger Kradmelder on his BMW motorbike in Dunkirk France 1940 57th Infanterie Div Grenadier Regiment 199
German army messenger Kradmelder on his BMW motorbike in Dunkirk France 1940 57th Infanterie Div Grenadier Regiment 199

German army messenger Kradmelder on his BMW motorbike in Dunkirk France 1940 57th Infanterie Div Grenadier Regiment 199

Double Machine gun MG 34 Zwillingssockel 36. 14. infantry division westwall 1941 Art. Regiment. 205. Germany
Double Machine gun MG 34 Zwillingssockel 36. 14. infantry division westwall 1941 Art. Regiment. 205. Germany

Double Machine gun MG 34 Zwillingssockel 36. 14. infantry division westwall 1941 Art. Regiment. 205. Germany

Invasion of Greece 1941. 304 Schutzen Regiment. 2nd Panzer Division. German Wehrmacht Soldier war graves
Invasion of Greece 1941. 304 Schutzen Regiment. 2nd Panzer Division. German Wehrmacht Soldier war graves

Invasion of Greece 1941. 304 Schutzen Regiment. 2nd Panzer Division. German Wehrmacht Soldier war graves

Uffz Hubert, Rader, 15.2.1914 - 20.4.1941
Obergefr Hans, Gunther 15.1.1920 - 20-4-1941
Schutz Josef. Franschitz 22.2.1920 - 20.4.1941
Obergefr Anton Hamau 19.7.1916 -20.4.1941

Two U.S. soldiers of C Company, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division shelter behind M-4 Sherman
Two U.S. soldiers of C Company, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division shelter behind M-4 Sherman

Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring

Two U.S. soldiers of C Company, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division seek shelter behind a M-4 Sherman tank at Geich, near Düren, Germany, on 11 December 1944.

Captured Russian T35 Panzer Tank, 3rd Panzer Division, 75th Panzer Artillery Reg, Charkiw, Ukraine, 1942
Captured Russian T35 Panzer Tank, 3rd Panzer Division, 75th Panzer Artillery Reg, Charkiw, Ukraine, 1942

Captured Russian T35 Panzer Tank, 3rd Panzer Division, 75th Panzer Artillery Reg, Charkiw, Ukraine, 1942,

T35, chassis number, 537-90,
Voroshilov Street (now Yakir street)
background is a house no 40, which before the war housed a school, the building is still standing.

61 production tanks. most broke down, 6 were knocked out, this one was destroyed by its crew.

Cross roads, Tiurinska Street and Virynska

Auf der Kreuzung von Tiurinska Straße und Virynska Straße mit Blick auf einen zerstörten T35 Panzer.

Knocked Out German Panzer 3, Dubno Ukraine, Battle of Brodny 1941. 16. Panzer Division.
Knocked Out German Panzer 3, Dubno Ukraine, Battle of Brodny 1941. 16. Panzer Division.

Knocked Out German Panzer 3, Dubno Ukraine, Battle of Brodny 1941. 16. Panzer Division.

Panzer belonging to 16. Panzer Division.
Photographer ( Bohme) belonged to the 57. Infantry regiment. 9.Infantry Division.

Santa Maria delle Grazie Church, Milan Italy 1945.
Santa Maria delle Grazie Church, Milan Italy 1945.

Santa Maria delle Grazie Church, Milan Italy 1945.

SS General Max Simon surrendering to American 101st Airborne Division General Maxwell D. Taylor, Schwendt Austria 1945
SS General Max Simon surrendering to American 101st Airborne Division General Maxwell D. Taylor, Schwendt Austria 1945

SS General Max Simon surrendering to American 101st Airborne Division General Maxwell D. Taylor, Schwendt Austria 1945

The other SS officer, with German Cross in Gold, is Simon_qt_s Chief of Staff, Ekkehard Albert.

MAJ.GEN MAXWELL d. TAYLOR, cg, 101st airborne division, and maj.Gen. Simon, 13th SS corps, complete the surrender of remaining ss troops in
Schwendt area, Austria. xxi corps, us seventh army, 5/9/45

Col. Leslie Crozier Wood. Oklahoma City
101st Mechanized Cavalry Reg

Soviet tractor S-65 used to pull out Wehrmacht trucks out of the mud, September 1941. Poltava, Donez, Ukraine.
Soviet tractor S-65 used to pull out Wehrmacht trucks out of the mud, September 1941. Poltava, Donez, Ukraine.

Soviet tractor S-65 used to pull out Wehrmacht trucks out of the mud, September 1941. Poltava, Donez, Ukraine.

Photographer Bohme belonging to 57. Infantry regiment, 9. Infantry Division.

Officers in WW1 helmets inspecting infantry soldiers, Wendlingen, Germany, 1939. 14th Infantry Division.
Officers in WW1 helmets inspecting infantry soldiers, Wendlingen, Germany, 1939. 14th Infantry Division.

Officers in WW1 helmets inspecting infantry soldiers, Wendlingen, Germany, 1939. 14th Infantry Division.

artillery. regiment. 205, M16 M40 helmet, brown leather

Officers in WW1 helmets inspecting infantry soldiers, Wendlingen, Germany, 1939. 14th Infantry Division.
Officers in WW1 helmets inspecting infantry soldiers, Wendlingen, Germany, 1939. 14th Infantry Division.

Officers in WW1 helmets inspecting infantry soldiers, Wendlingen, Germany, 1939. 14th Infantry Division.

artillery. regiment. 205, M16 M40 helmet, brown leather

Officers in WW1 helmets inspecting infantry soldiers, Wendlingen, Germany, 1939. 14th Infantry Division.
Officers in WW1 helmets inspecting infantry soldiers, Wendlingen, Germany, 1939. 14th Infantry Division.

Officers in WW1 helmets inspecting infantry soldiers, Wendlingen, Germany, 1939. 14th Infantry Division.

artillery. regiment. 205, M16 M40 helmet, brown leather

Germans capturing crash landed Russian Ilyushin IL-4 Bomber. Crew standing beside plane. 3rd Panzer Division, Beresina 1941.
Germans capturing crash landed Russian Ilyushin IL-4 Bomber. Crew standing beside plane. 3rd Panzer Division, Beresina 1941.

Germans capturing crash landed Russian Ilyushin IL-4 Bomber. Crew standing beside plane. 3rd Panzer Division, Beresina 1941.

Operation Barbarossa,

1st Battery, 75th Panzer Artillery Reg, 3rd Panzer Division.

Beresina, August 1941.


1937 as the DB-3B
571kW M-85 engines7

Russian BT-7 Panzer Tank, 343, Village Verba near dubno Ukraine, 67th or 68th tank regiment, part of 4 t352 destroyed
Russian BT-7 Panzer Tank, 343, Village Verba near dubno Ukraine, 67th or 68th tank regiment, part of 4 t352 destroyed

Russian BT-7 Panzer Tank, 343, Village Verba near dubno Ukraine, Russian 67th or 68th tank regiment, part of 4 t352 destroyed,

German medical unit wehrmacht from Leipzig.

French air force Potez 630, stuka dive bomber attack, France, 1940, 103 Schutzen Regiment, 14. Panzer Division,
French air force Potez 630, stuka dive bomber attack, France, 1940, 103 Schutzen Regiment, 14. Panzer Division,

French air force Potez 630, stuka dive bomber attack, France, 1940, 103 Schutzen Regiment, 14. Panzer Division,

Field of Captured Russian T-26 panzer tank, summer 1941, 103 Schutzen Regiment, 14th Panzer Division. Russia.
Field of Captured Russian T-26 panzer tank, summer 1941, 103 Schutzen Regiment, 14th Panzer Division. Russia.

Field of Captured Russian T-26 panzer tank, summer 1941, 103 Schutzen Regiment, 14th Panzer Division. Russia.

Light Halftrack Sd. Kfz. 10, Russia summer 1941, 103 Schutzen Regiment, 14th Panzer Division, motorbike,
Light Halftrack Sd. Kfz. 10, Russia summer 1941, 103 Schutzen Regiment, 14th Panzer Division, motorbike,

Light Halftrack Sd. Kfz. 10, Russia summer 1941, 103 Schutzen Regiment, 14th Panzer Division, motorbike,