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German war time magazine for photography. Wehr Photographische Mitteilungen 1944 Heft 5
German war time magazine for photography. Wehr Photographische Mitteilungen 1944 Heft 5

German war time magazine for photography. Wehr Photographische Mitteilungen 1944 Heft 5

Fur die Bildstellen und Labors von Heer, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, Sanitatswesen, PK. sowie Rustungsindustrie

Captured Early Russian T34 and BT-7 Tank, Dubno Ukraine 1941, Battle of Brodny.  9. Infantry Division
Captured Early Russian T34 and BT-7 Tank, Dubno Ukraine 1941, Battle of Brodny. 9. Infantry Division

Captured Early Russian T34 and BT-7 Tank, Dubno Ukraine 1941, Battle of Brodny. 9. Infantry Division

Officer Photographer Bohme belonging to the 57. Infantry Regiment, 9. Infantry Division.

Knocked Out German Panzer 3, Dubno Ukraine, Battle of Brodny 1941. 16. Panzer Division.
Knocked Out German Panzer 3, Dubno Ukraine, Battle of Brodny 1941. 16. Panzer Division.

Knocked Out German Panzer 3, Dubno Ukraine, Battle of Brodny 1941. 16. Panzer Division.

Panzer belonging to 16. Panzer Division.
Photographer ( Bohme) belonged to the 57. Infantry regiment. 9.Infantry Division.

Tunisian Volunteers Parade for Erwin Rommel in Tunisia 1943. Freiwilligenbataillon Tunesien.
Tunisian Volunteers Parade for Erwin Rommel in Tunisia 1943. Freiwilligenbataillon Tunesien.

Tunisian Volunteers Parade for Erwin Rommel in Tunisia 1943. Freiwilligenbataillon Tunesien.

Member of the 166th Signal Company. On board a landing craft off shore from the beaches of Omaha Normandy D-Day plus 10
Member of the 166th Signal Company. On board a landing craft off shore from the beaches of Omaha Normandy D-Day plus 10

Member of the 166th Signal Company. On board a landing craft off shore from the beaches of Omaha Normandy D-Day plus 10

Photographer: Lt. Joseph (Joe) M. Zinni 166th Signal Photo Company

A self portrait of a very young Vienna Austrian photographer before entering the war.
A self portrait of a very young Vienna Austrian photographer before entering the war.

A self portrait of a very young Vienna Austrian photographer before entering the war.

American Cameraman with pipe and 16mm film camera inspects a captured Artillery Bunker. Normandy D-Day plus 10
American Cameraman with pipe and 16mm film camera inspects a captured Artillery Bunker. Normandy D-Day plus 10

American Cameraman with pipe and 16mm film camera inspects a captured Artillery Bunker. Normandy D-Day plus 10

166th Signal Photographic Company.
Photo taken by Joe Zinni.

The people of Paris Celebrating their Liberation from German Occupation. 26 August 1944.
The people of Paris Celebrating their Liberation from German Occupation. 26 August 1944.

The people of Paris Celebrating their Liberation from German Occupation. 26 August 1944.

Shop front, Paris Celebrating their Liberation from German Occupation. 26 August 1944.
Shop front, Paris Celebrating their Liberation from German Occupation. 26 August 1944.

Shop front, Paris Celebrating their Liberation from German Occupation. 26 August 1944.

Captured German Coastal Artillery soldiers POWs being sent back to England after the D-Day Invasion.
Captured German Coastal Artillery soldiers POWs being sent back to England after the D-Day Invasion.

Captured German Coastal Artillery soldiers POWs being sent back to England after the D-Day Invasion.

Pointe de Moulinette in Dinard, France. D-Day plus 10

166th Signal Photographic Company June 1944

Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary,  Alcatraz Island,  San Francisco Bay, June 1946 USA
Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Bay, June 1946 USA

Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Bay, June 1946 USA

Taken by the war time Photographer Joe Zinni after returning state side.

German war time magazine for photography. Wehr Photographische Mitteilungen 1943 Heft 5
German war time magazine for photography. Wehr Photographische Mitteilungen 1943 Heft 5

German war time magazine for photography. Wehr Photographische Mitteilungen 1943 Heft 5

Fur die Bildstellen und Labors von Heer, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, Sanitatswesen, PK. sowie Rustungsindustrie

German war time magazine for photography. Wehr Photographische Mitteilungen 1943 Heft 4
German war time magazine for photography. Wehr Photographische Mitteilungen 1943 Heft 4

German war time magazine for photography. Wehr Photographische Mitteilungen 1943 Heft 4

Fur die Bildstellen und Labors von Heer, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, Sanitatswesen, PK. sowie Rustungsindustrie

The Famous American War Photographer Lt. Joseph (Joe) M. Zinni returning to the US after the war 1946.
The Famous American War Photographer Lt. Joseph (Joe) M. Zinni returning to the US after the war 1946.

The Famous American War Photographer Lt. Joseph (Joe) M. Zinni returning to the US after the war 1946.

166th Signal Photo Company

bottom right ribbon is occupation ribbon

Top RowGood Conduct, Pacific Theature campaign, Pre war service ribbon Bottom ETO Campaign Ribbon, ETO Victory ribbon, Germany Occupation medal

Monument to the Revolution. Plaza de la Republica. Mexico City. Mexico 1946.
Monument to the Revolution. Plaza de la Republica. Mexico City. Mexico 1946.

Monument to the Revolution. Plaza de la Republica. Mexico City. Mexico 1946.

Photographer: Lt. Joseph (Joe) M. Zinni 166th Signal Photo Company

Dodge WC-57 Command Car. Church Ruins St. Lo Normandy. 166th Signal Photographic Company June 1944
Dodge WC-57 Command Car. Church Ruins St. Lo Normandy. 166th Signal Photographic Company June 1944

Dodge WC-57 Command Car. Church Ruins St. Lo Normandy. 166th Signal Photographic Company June 1944

American GI with his Life Jacket on board a landing craft off shore from the beaches of Omaha Normandy D-Day plus 10
American GI with his Life Jacket on board a landing craft off shore from the beaches of Omaha Normandy D-Day plus 10

American GI with his Life Jacket on board a landing craft off shore from the beaches of Omaha Normandy D-Day plus 10

Photographer: Lt. Joseph (Joe) M. Zinni 166th Signal Photo Company 

Local Greek palace guard Evzones in traditional foustanella costume. Athens. Greece. 1939.
Local Greek palace guard Evzones in traditional foustanella costume. Athens. Greece. 1939.

Local Greek palace guard Evzones in traditional foustanella costume. Athens. Greece. 1939.

American GI war reporter and photographer in Normandy France 1944
American GI war reporter and photographer in Normandy France 1944

American GI war reporter and photographer in Normandy France 1944

A German soldier photographs his weapons. Polish Russian border Spring  1944.
A German soldier photographs his weapons. Polish Russian border Spring 1944.

A German soldier photographs his weapons. Polish Russian border Spring 1944.