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German Color Photo Wehrmacht Army Cavalry Supply Column with horses wagons snow winter Ukraine 1942 winter hat
German Color Photo Wehrmacht Army Cavalry Supply Column with horses wagons snow winter Ukraine 1942 winter hat

German Color Photo Wehrmacht Army Cavalry Supply Column with horses wagons snow winter Ukraine 1942 winter hat

WW2 Color German Cavalry troops cross wooden Pioneer war bridge Krakov 1941 Ukraine
WW2 Color German Cavalry troops cross wooden Pioneer war bridge Krakov 1941 Ukraine

WW2 Color German Cavalry troops cross wooden Pioneer war bridge Krakov 1941 Ukraine

Colour Photo German Military soldiers Hospital Feldlazarett 634 Cherson Ukraine red cross 1942
Colour Photo German Military soldiers Hospital Feldlazarett 634 Cherson Ukraine red cross 1942

Colour Photo German Military soldiers Hospital Feldlazarett 634 Cherson Ukraine red cross 1942

WW2 Color Wolfgang German Cavalry officer with fisher men river Ukraine 1942
WW2 Color Wolfgang German Cavalry officer with fisher men river Ukraine 1942

WW2 Color Wolfgang German Cavalry officer with fisher men river Ukraine 1942

War Time Color Photo of Italian military graves graveyard with helmets and cross in Ukraine 1942
War Time Color Photo of Italian military graves graveyard with helmets and cross in Ukraine 1942

War Time Color Photo of Italian military graves graveyard with helmets and cross in Ukraine 1942

army cavalry officer photographing with camera children traditional costume Ukraine 1941 summer pistol holster
army cavalry officer photographing with camera children traditional costume Ukraine 1941 summer pistol holster

army cavalry officer in uniform photographing with camera children traditional costume Ukraine 1941 summer pistol holster

German Military ambulance drives through busy populated town in Ukraine 1942 shops peasants
German Military ambulance drives through busy populated town in Ukraine 1942 shops peasants

German Military ambulance drives through busy populated town in Ukraine 1942 shops peasants

German Color Slide Photo Wolfgang Wehrmacht Cavalry officer on horse uniform Ukraine 1942
German Color Slide Photo Wolfgang Wehrmacht Cavalry officer on horse uniform Ukraine 1942

German Color Slide Photo Wolfgang Wehrmacht Cavalry officer on horse uniform Ukraine 1942

Artema street / Lenina street in Artemovsk, Ukraine 1942
Artema street / Lenina street in Artemovsk, Ukraine 1942

Artema street / Lenina street in Artemovsk, Ukraine 1942

Russian POW Prisioners captured slave labour petrol depot river german officer Ukraine 1942
Russian POW Prisioners captured slave labour petrol depot river german officer Ukraine 1942

Russian POW Prisioners captured slave labour petrol depot river german officer Ukraine 1942

German soldiers Kar98 rifle staff car Ukraine village 1942 Goat
German soldiers Kar98 rifle staff car Ukraine village 1942 Goat

German, soldiers, Kar98, rifle, staff car, Ukraine, village, winter, 1942, Goat,

German Wehrmacht OKH staff meeting in stone building officers Ukraine 1942
German Wehrmacht OKH staff meeting in stone building officers Ukraine 1942

German Wehrmacht OKH staff meeting in stone building officers Ukraine 1942

Agfacolor WW2 German Wehrmacht Trucks supply columb Ukraine summer 1941
Agfacolor WW2 German Wehrmacht Trucks supply columb Ukraine summer 1941

Agfacolor, WW2, German, Wehrmacht, Trucks, supply, columb, Ukraine, summer, 1941,

destroyed bridge over the river Dnepr in Krementschuk, Ukraine 1942
destroyed bridge over the river Dnepr in Krementschuk, Ukraine 1942

destroyed bridge over the river Dnepr in Krementschuk, Ukraine 1942

WW2 Color Captured Russian army bunker trench beside river Ukraine 1942
WW2 Color Captured Russian army bunker trench beside river Ukraine 1942

WW2 Color Captured Russian army bunker trench beside river Ukraine 1942

WW2 Color German army field kitchen in train station Train wagons transport Ukraine 1943
WW2 Color German army field kitchen in train station Train wagons transport Ukraine 1943

WW2 Color German army field kitchen in train station Train wagons transport Ukraine 1943

WW2 Color Poor peasents waiting for documents from german government office in town Ukraine hand made red flags 1942
WW2 Color Poor peasents waiting for documents from german government office in town Ukraine hand made red flags 1942

WW2 Color Poor peasents waiting for documents from german government office in town Ukraine hand made red flags 1942

German army general with staff officers of 9th panzer division headquarters awards medals Ukraine 1942
German army general with staff officers of 9th panzer division headquarters awards medals Ukraine 1942

German army general with staff officers of 9th panzer division headquarters awards medals Ukraine 1942

German 9th panzer division supply truck column driving bridge Rostow at Don 1941 Ukraine
German 9th panzer division supply truck column driving bridge Rostow at Don 1941 Ukraine

German 9th panzer division supply truck column driving bridge Rostow at Don 1941 Ukraine

WW2 Color Ukranian farmer peasant in winter jacket portrait snow Ukraine 1942
WW2 Color Ukranian farmer peasant in winter jacket portrait snow Ukraine 1942

WW2 Color Ukranian farmer peasant in winter jacket portrait snow Ukraine 1942