German mother with her two little daughters making a picnic. Heidelberg Germany Summer 1937
German PAK 40 artillery unit destroyed by Russian army. Used as war grave of German soldiers. Ukraine 1942.
V ArmeeKorps,
Lead German Panzer 4 of the 11th Panzer Division Surrender in Neumark, Czechoslovakia, May 1945
Photographer: Lt. Joseph (Joe) M. Zinni 166th Signal Photo Company
Nibelungenwerke in Austria. This Panzer IV Ausf.J is in standard N-werke camo
Crashed Russian MIG3 high altitude interceptor. Jelnja, June, Smolensk Oblast. 1942. 19th Panzer Division.
Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring
Destroyed late model Panzer IV with steel mesh Drahtgeflecht Schurzen . Siegfried Line Winter 1944
on the hull and standard steel plate Schürzen around the turret. The original caption describes the Panzer IV as a victim of the Ninth Air Force in the Luxembourg sector during the German retreat to the Siegfried Line.
Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring
Flakpanzer IV with 37mm flak Mobelwagen. Flak 43 anti-aircraft gun on the chassis of a Panzer IV. Battle of Bulge 1944
Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring
German Panzer Panther Ausf.G abandoned during the offensive of the Ardennes. Battle of the Bulge 1944.
36th Infantry Division
Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring
German Panzer StuG IV destroyed on Marigny-Montrevil road in Normandy 1944
Gotz von Berlichingen
Sturmgeschütz IV für Sturmkanone 40 (L/48) (Sd.Kfz. 167)
This StuG IV was destroyed by Jabo from the 9th US Air Force on
Marigny-Montrevil road (Normandy) in July 1944.
SS-Panzer-Abteilung 17 (17. SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division „Götz von Berlichingen“)
which was mainly equipped with StuGe rather than Panzer.
Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring
Japanese Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien
Japanese Kawasaki Ki-61-Hien allied code-name-Tony-captured at Clark Luzon-Philippines
Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring
Japanese-Kawasaki-Ki-45-Dragonslayer 1945
Japanese Kawasaki Ki 45 Dragonslayer allied code name Nick captured at Clark Luzon Philippines 1945
Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring
B 26B Marauder The-Susan Kay with crew England 11th Apr 1944
Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring
US Air Force Martin B 26C Marauder Italy
Martin B 26C Marauder 12AF 17BG95BS Chief of the Mediums showing 89-Missions Italy 1944
Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring
Fifth Army, Torre Tre Ponti Area, Italy. Destroyed "Tiger" [Panther MK V] Tank, Route 7, Just outside of Torre Tre Ponti
Open License Image Colorized by Ian Spring
Two U.S. soldiers of C Company, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Armored Division seek shelter behind a M-4 Sherman tank at Geich, near Düren, Germany, on 11 December 1944.
german FLAK soldiers near Paris France 1940 inspecting destroyed captured belgian T13 Tank panzer
Luftwaffe pilots in Focke-Wulf Fw 58 Weihe. Aircraft located in France 1942. Unit belongs to Jagdgeschwader 2 Richthofen.
Luftwaffe ground crew demolishing old Zeppelin Hall in France 1942. Airfield was for the Jagdgeschwader 2 Richthofen.
Bruno Stolle
Luftwaffe ground crew demolishing old Zeppelin Hall in France 1942. Airfield was for the Jagdgeschwader 2 Richthofen.
Bruno Stolle
Luftwaffe ground crew demolishing old Zeppelin Hall in France 1942. Airfield was for the Jagdgeschwader 2 Richthofen.
Bruno Stolle
Aerial photo of Munich. Haus der Deutsche Kunst. Taken from Luftschiff LZ 130 Graf Zeppelin II Bavaria Germany 1938