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Wartime German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop. Nuremberg Trials 1946
Wartime German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop. Nuremberg Trials 1946

Wartime German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop. Nuremberg Trials 1946

Rudolf Hess, Deputy to Hitler until 1941. NUREMBERG TRIALS 1946
Rudolf Hess, Deputy to Hitler until 1941. NUREMBERG TRIALS 1946

Rudolf Hess, Deputy to Hitler until 1941. NUREMBERG TRIALS 1946

Berliner with Leica camera. Lustgarten and Altes Museum Berlin 1940. Tag Der Wehrmacht.
Berliner with Leica camera. Lustgarten and Altes Museum Berlin 1940. Tag Der Wehrmacht.

Berliner with Leica camera. Lustgarten and Altes Museum Berlin 1940. Tag Der Wehrmacht.

Julius Streicher. founder of the virulently anti-Semitic newspaper Der Sturmer. NUREMBERG TRIAL 1946
Julius Streicher. founder of the virulently anti-Semitic newspaper Der Sturmer. NUREMBERG TRIAL 1946

Julius Streicher. founder of the virulently anti-Semitic newspaper Der Sturmer. NUREMBERG TRIAL 1946

Ernst Kaltenbrunner. Chief of the Reich Main Security Office. NUREMBERG TRIAL 1946
Ernst Kaltenbrunner. Chief of the Reich Main Security Office. NUREMBERG TRIAL 1946

Ernst Kaltenbrunner. Chief of the Reich Main Security Office. NUREMBERG TRIAL 1946

German police men and children humiliating Jewish Slave Laborer, Poland 1941.
German police men and children humiliating Jewish Slave Laborer, Poland 1941.

German police men and children workers humiliating Jewish Polish Slave Laborer with Axes. Poland 1941.

Special German officers have strategy meeting beside wooden hut. Ukraine 1943
Special German officers have strategy meeting beside wooden hut. Ukraine 1943

Special German officers have strategy meeting beside wooden hut. Ukraine 1943

Former Head of German Air force. Hermann Goering. Nuremberg Trial 1946
Former Head of German Air force. Hermann Goering. Nuremberg Trial 1946

Former Head of German Air force. Hermann Goering. Nuremberg Trial 1946

Former Head of German Air force. Hermann Goering. Nuremberg Trial 1946
Former Head of German Air force. Hermann Goering. Nuremberg Trial 1946

Former Head of German Air force. Hermann Goering. Nuremberg Trial 1946

Admiral Karl Donitz. Nuremberg Trial 1946
Admiral Karl Donitz. Nuremberg Trial 1946

Admiral Karl Donitz. Nuremberg Trial 1946

Admiral Karl Donitz. Nuremberg Trial 1946
Admiral Karl Donitz. Nuremberg Trial 1946

Admiral Karl Donitz. Nuremberg Trial 1946

Gauleiter August Eigrube Inspecting troops  in Budweiser / Ceske Budejovice 1939 in  Czech Republic
Gauleiter August Eigrube Inspecting troops in Budweiser / Ceske Budejovice 1939 in Czech Republic

Gauleiter August Eigrube Inspecting troops in Budweiser / Ceske Budejovice 1939 in Czech Republic

Young woman on beach, Strandbad Wannsee, Berlin 1940.
Young woman on beach, Strandbad Wannsee, Berlin 1940.

Young woman on beach, Strandbad Wannsee, Berlin 1940.

German Panzer 3 of the 4th Panzer Army, Sun setting on Russian Front 1942. Gzhatsk Gagarin. Smolensk Oblast
German Panzer 3 of the 4th Panzer Army, Sun setting on Russian Front 1942. Gzhatsk Gagarin. Smolensk Oblast

German Panzer 3 of the 4th Panzer Army, Sun setting on Russian Front 1942. Gzhatsk Gagarin. Smolensk Oblast

Crashed Polikarpow I-16  near Riwne, Ukraine 1941
Crashed Polikarpow I-16 near Riwne, Ukraine 1941

Crashed Polikarpow I-16 near Riwne, Ukraine 1941
103rd Schuetzen Regiment, 14th Panzer Division

Deutsche Reichspost bus in Mala, Czechoslovakia 1939
Deutsche Reichspost bus in Mala, Czechoslovakia 1939

Deutsche Reichspost bus headed to Schmiedebergin Mala, Czechoslovakia 1939

Destroyed plane in Kisarazu, Japan 1945
Destroyed plane in Kisarazu, Japan 1945

Destroyed plane (Mitsubishi G4M1-L2, called "Betty") in Kisarazu, Japan 1945
It was moved over the quay wall of the Kisarazu airfield and was probably one of the first "peace bomber".

British World Speed Record Racing Car Thunderbolt in Bonneville Salt Flats, USA 1937
British World Speed Record Racing Car Thunderbolt in Bonneville Salt Flats, USA 1937

British World Speed Record Racing Car Thunderbolt 1937 with driver Captain George Eyston. Bonneville Salt Flats USA.

Destroyed buildings at the Soborna street in Riwne, Ukraine 1941
Destroyed buildings at the Soborna street in Riwne, Ukraine 1941

Destroyed buildings at the Soborna street in Riwne, Ukraine 1941

camouflaged radio car Horch 901 near Riwne, Ukraine 1941
camouflaged radio car Horch 901 near Riwne, Ukraine 1941

camouflaged radio car Horch 901 near Riwne, Ukraine 1941