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WW2 Color Poland Krakow 1940 Occupied Bombed Destroyed streets city centre Hotel Shops.
WW2 Color Poland Krakow 1940 Occupied Bombed Destroyed streets city centre Hotel Shops.

WW2 Color Poland Krakow 1940 Occupied Bombed Destroyed streets city centre Hotel Shops.

1941 Kharkov Bombed Destroyed Buildings soldiers russian tractor german panzer 3 stugs armoured tanks.
1941 Kharkov Bombed Destroyed Buildings soldiers russian tractor german panzer 3 stugs armoured tanks.

1941 Kharkov Bombed Destroyed Buildings soldiers russian tractor german panzer 3 stugs armoured tanks.

WW2 Color Poland Krakow 1940 German soldiers talk with civilians Bombed Destroyed City Buildings sign posts
WW2 Color Poland Krakow 1940 German soldiers talk with civilians Bombed Destroyed City Buildings sign posts

WW2 Color Poland Krakow 1940 German soldiers talk with civilians Bombed Destroyed City Buildings sign posts

WW2 Colour German military red cross hospital Kurhaus Bad Ems Sepetmber 1939 soldiers wounded doctors
WW2 Colour German military red cross hospital Kurhaus Bad Ems Sepetmber 1939 soldiers wounded doctors

WW2 Colour German military red cross hospital Kurhaus Bad Ems Sepetmber 1939 soldiers wounded doctors

WW2 Color German Cavalry troops cross wooden Pioneer war bridge Krakov 1941 Ukraine
WW2 Color German Cavalry troops cross wooden Pioneer war bridge Krakov 1941 Ukraine

WW2 Color German Cavalry troops cross wooden Pioneer war bridge Krakov 1941 Ukraine

German Color Slide Photo Wolfgang Wehrmacht Cavalry officer on horse uniform Ukraine 1942
German Color Slide Photo Wolfgang Wehrmacht Cavalry officer on horse uniform Ukraine 1942

German Color Slide Photo Wolfgang Wehrmacht Cavalry officer on horse uniform Ukraine 1942

Artema street / Lenina street in Artemovsk, Ukraine 1942
Artema street / Lenina street in Artemovsk, Ukraine 1942

Artema street / Lenina street in Artemovsk, Ukraine 1942

Russian POW Prisioners captured slave labour petrol depot river german officer Ukraine 1942
Russian POW Prisioners captured slave labour petrol depot river german officer Ukraine 1942

Russian POW Prisioners captured slave labour petrol depot river german officer Ukraine 1942

destroyed bridge over the river Dnepr in Krementschuk, Ukraine 1942
destroyed bridge over the river Dnepr in Krementschuk, Ukraine 1942

destroyed bridge over the river Dnepr in Krementschuk, Ukraine 1942

WW2 Color Captured Russian army bunker trench beside river Ukraine 1942
WW2 Color Captured Russian army bunker trench beside river Ukraine 1942

WW2 Color Captured Russian army bunker trench beside river Ukraine 1942

WW2 Color Poor peasents waiting for documents from german government office in town Ukraine hand made red flags 1942
WW2 Color Poor peasents waiting for documents from german government office in town Ukraine hand made red flags 1942

WW2 Color Poor peasents waiting for documents from german government office in town Ukraine hand made red flags 1942

Hitler visit Ukraine airport FW 200 Condor Luftwaffe plane Hans Bau
Hitler visit Ukraine airport FW 200 Condor Luftwaffe plane Hans Bau

adolf Hitler_qt_s personal Fw 200 Condor, bearing the insignia of the Fliegerstaffel des Führers on its nose airport flak Ukraine 1941 summer

makeshift bridge over the river Dnepr in Krementschuk, Ukraine 1943
makeshift bridge over the river Dnepr in Krementschuk, Ukraine 1943

makeshift bridge over the river Dnepr in Krementschuk, Ukraine 1943
cathedral "Успенский собор"

WW2 Color German Wehrmacht army officers wounded Hospital Lazarett Ukraine 1943
WW2 Color German Wehrmacht army officers wounded Hospital Lazarett Ukraine 1943

WW2 Color German Wehrmacht army officers wounded Hospital Lazarett Ukraine 1943

woman with hat and coat in Ginzling, Austria 1939
woman with hat and coat in Ginzling, Austria 1939

woman with hat and coat in Ginzling, Austria 1939

Austrian Military Soldiers beside fisherman and canal in Ginzling Austria 1939
Austrian Military Soldiers beside fisherman and canal in Ginzling Austria 1939

Austrian Military Soldiers Wehrmacht beside fisherman and canal relaxing Ginzling Austria 1939

Sister and Brother Traditional Austrian / Bavarian costume Women Fashion Costume Hat Winter Jacket Ginzling Austria 1939
Sister and Brother Traditional Austrian / Bavarian costume Women Fashion Costume Hat Winter Jacket Ginzling Austria 1939

Sister and Brother Traditional Austrian / Bavarian costume Women Fashion Costume Hat Winter Jacket Ginzling Austria 1939

Austrian Pre War fire brigade in Uniform Helmet fight fire burning farm house Ginzling Austria 1939
Austrian Pre War fire brigade in Uniform Helmet fight fire burning farm house Ginzling Austria 1939

Austrian Pre War fire brigade in Uniform Helmet fight fire burning farm house Ginzling Austria 1939

Tour de la Chaine La Rochelle town scene occupied France 1940
Tour de la Chaine La Rochelle town scene occupied France 1940

Tour de la Chaine La Rochelle town scene occupied France 1940. Fishing harbour.

little boy hurt Austrian Pre War fire brigade in Uniform Helmet fight fire burning farm house Ginzling Austria 1939
little boy hurt Austrian Pre War fire brigade in Uniform Helmet fight fire burning farm house Ginzling Austria 1939

Little boy, Austrian Pre War fire brigade in Uniform Helmet fight fire burning farm house Ginzling Austria 1939