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German officer photographing a group of young Ukrainian children standing in front of the Sea of Asov Ukraine 1941
German officer photographing a group of young Ukrainian children standing in front of the Sea of Asov Ukraine 1941

German officer photographing a group of young Ukrainian children standing in front of the Sea of Asov Ukraine 1941

German army officer of the Division Grossdeutschland visiting a girls school in Ukraine 1941
German army officer of the Division Grossdeutschland visiting a girls school in Ukraine 1941

German army officer of the Division Grossdeutschland visiting a girls school in Ukraine 1941

German army truck beside bombed oil storage tanks near Sea of Asov Ukraine 1942
German army truck beside bombed oil storage tanks near Sea of Asov Ukraine 1942

German army truck beside bombed oil storage tanks near Sea of Asov Ukraine 1942

Bombed Railway Truck near Sea of Azov in Ukraine 1942
Bombed Railway Truck near Sea of Azov in Ukraine 1942

Bombed Railway Truck near Sea of Azov in Ukraine 1942

Schloss Schonbrunn in Vienna Austria February 1945 Gloriette Bombed by USAAF and the RAF 19 Feb. 1945
Schloss Schonbrunn in Vienna Austria February 1945 Gloriette Bombed by USAAF and the RAF 19 Feb. 1945

Schloss Schonbrunn in Vienna Austria February 1945
Gloriette Bombed by USAAF and the RAF 19 Feb. 1945

German army staff car belonging to the 4th Panzer Division. Dusseldorf Germany 1940. Deich Strasse
German army staff car belonging to the 4th Panzer Division. Dusseldorf Germany 1940. Deich Strasse

German army staff car belonging to the 4th Panzer Division. Dusseldorf Germany 1940. Deich Strasse

Hotel Loreley in Konigswinter. Bonn, Nordrhein Westfalen, 1939,
Hotel Loreley in Konigswinter. Bonn, Nordrhein Westfalen, 1939,

Hotel Loreley in Konigswinter. Bonn, Nordrhein Westfalen, 1939,

Ship port, koln, Dusseldorf, Niederlander Dampfschiffahrt, Hotel, Hof, Hotel Union,

Cover of  Photoblatter  1942 November, December, Agfa Photo Magazine, Reuter,Hans,
Cover of Photoblatter 1942 November, December, Agfa Photo Magazine, Reuter,Hans,

Cover of Photoblatter 1942 November, December, Agfa Photo Magazine, Reuter,Hans,

Beautiful young women reading book in traditional costume

Cover of  Photoblatter 1938 December, Agfa Photo Magazine, Reuter,Hans,
Cover of Photoblatter 1938 December, Agfa Photo Magazine, Reuter,Hans,

Cover of Photoblatter 1938 December, Agfa Photo Magazine, Reuter,Hans,

Little girl with small christmas tree

Destroyed German RSO Raupenschlepper tractor in heavily bombed Belgium town 1944
Destroyed German RSO Raupenschlepper tractor in heavily bombed Belgium town 1944

Destroyed German RSO Raupenschlepper tractor in heavily bombed Belgium town 1944

Thuringen driving club in Provinz Schleswig Holstein, 1938, driving hat and jacket with convertible, autounion,
Thuringen driving club in Provinz Schleswig Holstein, 1938, driving hat and jacket with convertible, autounion,

Thuringen driving club in Provinz Schleswig Holstein, 1938, driving hat and jacket with convertible, autounion, Auto Union, Wanderer, W52, Cabriolet,

German 35mm slide projector with a Deckfix color slide. Family photos and photo album. Flowers. Munich Germany 1938
German 35mm slide projector with a Deckfix color slide. Family photos and photo album. Flowers. Munich Germany 1938

German 35mm slide projector with a Deckfix color slide. Family photos and photo album. Flowers. Munich Germany 1938

German 11th Panzer Division Surrender in Neumark, Czechoslovakia, May 1945
German 11th Panzer Division Surrender in Neumark, Czechoslovakia, May 1945

German 11th Panzer Division Surrender in Neumark, Czechoslovakia, May 1945

Mother in local Austrian Dirndl costume in Tyrol southern Austria 1939. Mountain restaurant.
Mother in local Austrian Dirndl costume in Tyrol southern Austria 1939. Mountain restaurant.

Mother in local Austrian Dirndl costume in Tyrol southern Austria 1939. Mountain restaurant.

Mercedes-Benz 380 Cabriolet B, Kelheim Germany 1939, with tour bus behind and family resting beside road.
Mercedes-Benz 380 Cabriolet B, Kelheim Germany 1939, with tour bus behind and family resting beside road.

Mercedes-Benz 380 Cabriolet B, Kelheim Germany 1939, with tour bus behind and family resting beside road.

Obergefreiter Richard Gambietz Ritterkreuztrager. Stabskompanie Schutzen Regiment 93. Russia 1942
Obergefreiter Richard Gambietz Ritterkreuztrager. Stabskompanie Schutzen Regiment 93. Russia 1942

Obergefreiter Richard Gambietz Ritterkreuztrager. Stabskompanie Schutzen Regiment 93. Russia 1942

Ritterkreuztrager is Ri_char_d Gambietz (Ritterkreuz am 28.04.1943 als Obergefreiter und Gruppenfuhhrer in der 1. Kompanie/ Grenadier-Regiment 87 mot.; gefallen am 13.07.1943 Ostfront, Unternehmen Zitadelle).

German Wehrmacht General Oskar Blumm. Commander of the   57th Infantry Division. Russia 1942
German Wehrmacht General Oskar Blumm. Commander of the 57th Infantry Division. Russia 1942

German Wehrmacht General Oskar Blumm. Commander of the 57th Infantry Division. Russia 1942

Spanish Wehrmacht General Agustin Munoz Grandes in Grafenwohr Bavaria Germany 1942. Blue Division Azul
Spanish Wehrmacht General Agustin Munoz Grandes in Grafenwohr Bavaria Germany 1942. Blue Division Azul

Spanish Wehrmacht General Agustin Munoz Grandes in Grafenwohr Bavaria Germany 1942. Blue Division Azul

Generaloberst Friedrich Fromm

German Wehrmacht General Oskar Blumm. Commander of the   57th Infantry Division. Russia 1942
German Wehrmacht General Oskar Blumm. Commander of the 57th Infantry Division. Russia 1942

German Wehrmacht General Oskar Blumm. Commander of the 57th Infantry Division. Russia 1942