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BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK:  Frauenbilder der NS-Zeit: Farbfotografien von 1937 bis 1945
BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK: Frauenbilder der NS-Zeit: Farbfotografien von 1937 bis 1945

BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK: Frauenbilder der NS-Zeit: Farbfotografien von 1937 bis 1945

Over 750 original color photos !!

Ulrich Vogt + Ian Spring + David Williams


BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK:  Leipzig in Farbe - Original colour photos from the Germany city of Leipzig
BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK: Leipzig in Farbe - Original colour photos from the Germany city of Leipzig

BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK: Leipzig in Farbe - Original colour photos from the Germany city of Leipzig


BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK: Rommels Afrika Korps in Colour: Rare German Photographs from the Second World War
BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK: Rommels Afrika Korps in Colour: Rare German Photographs from the Second World War

BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK: Rommels Afrika Korps in Colour: Rare German Photographs from the Second World War


BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK: Life and Death on the Eastern Front: Rare Colour Photographs from the WW2 Hardcover
BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK: Life and Death on the Eastern Front: Rare Colour Photographs from the WW2 Hardcover

BUY SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK: Life and Death on the Eastern Front: Rare Colour Photographs from the WW2 Hardcover


Heisse Maronen or Roasted Chestnuts seller in a snow storm in front of the Ferdinand Pluder Fashion Mode Shop. Austria 1939
Heisse Maronen or Roasted Chestnuts seller in a snow storm in front of the Ferdinand Pluder Fashion Mode Shop. Austria 1939

Heisse Maronen or Roasted Chestnuts seller in a snow storm in front of the Ferdinand Pluder Fashion Mode Shop. Austria 1939

Klagenfurt am Worthersee

Locomotive train driver of the Deutsche Reichsbahn No. 911780 from Rbd Hannover Gt 34.15 Dresden Hauptbahnhof 1942
Locomotive train driver of the Deutsche Reichsbahn No. 911780 from Rbd Hannover Gt 34.15 Dresden Hauptbahnhof 1942

Locomotive train driver of the Deutsche Reichsbahn No. 911780 from Rbd Hannover Gt 34.15 Dresden Hauptbahnhof 1942

Mercedes Benz 770 K Limousine 1937. Local Politicians staff car. Austria 1939 Klagenfurt am Worthersee
Mercedes Benz 770 K Limousine 1937. Local Politicians staff car. Austria 1939 Klagenfurt am Worthersee

Mercedes Benz 770 K Limousine 1937. Local Politicians staff car. Austria 1939 Klagenfurt am Worthersee

Austrian farmer man and wife riding horses in deep winter snow. In traditional rural costume. Austria winter 1939
Austrian farmer man and wife riding horses in deep winter snow. In traditional rural costume. Austria winter 1939

Austrian farmer man and wife riding horses in deep winter snow. In traditional rural costume. Austria winter 1939

Klagenfurt am Worthersee

Wehrmacht music band assemble for Hitlers Birthday military parade beside Haus Der Deutsche Kunst Munich April 20 1939
Wehrmacht music band assemble for Hitlers Birthday military parade beside Haus Der Deutsche Kunst Munich April 20 1939

Wehrmacht music band assemble for Hitlers Birthday military parade beside Haus Der Deutsche Kunst Munich April 20 1939

Photograph taken from the now American USA embassy in Munich.

Austrian farmers getting ready to board a red Deutsche Reichspost bus. Austrian village 1939 Klagenfurt am Worthersee
Austrian farmers getting ready to board a red Deutsche Reichspost bus. Austrian village 1939 Klagenfurt am Worthersee

Austrian farmers getting ready to board a red Deutsche Reichspost bus. Austrian village 1939 Klagenfurt am Worthersee

Young boy holding the metal bars on the window. With his mother looking on from behind. Austria 1939
Young boy holding the metal bars on the window. With his mother looking on from behind. Austria 1939

Young boy holding the metal bars on the window. With his mother looking on from behind. Austria 1939

Klagenfurt am Worthersee

Germany army General Knights Cross Winner Erich Brandenberger inspecting the 8th Panzer Division. Russia 1942
Germany army General Knights Cross Winner Erich Brandenberger inspecting the 8th Panzer Division. Russia 1942

Germany army General Knights Cross Winner Erich Brandenberger inspecting the 8th Panzer Division. Russia 1942

FAR LEFT. Generalleutnant Major General RKT Werner Huhner with Deutsches Kreuz in Gold.

Germany army General Knights Cross Winner Erich Brandenberger inspecting the 8th Panzer Division. Russia 1942
Germany army General Knights Cross Winner Erich Brandenberger inspecting the 8th Panzer Division. Russia 1942

Germany army General Knights Cross Winner Erich Brandenberger inspecting the 8th Panzer Division. Russia 1942

Germany army General Knights Cross Winner Erich Brandenberger inspecting the 8th Panzer Division. Russia 1942
Germany army General Knights Cross Winner Erich Brandenberger inspecting the 8th Panzer Division. Russia 1942

Germany army General Knights Cross Winner Erich Brandenberger inspecting the 8th Panzer Division. Russia 1942

FAR LEFT. Generalleutnant Major General RKT Werner Huhner with Deutsches Kreuz in Gold.

Well dressed women and men passing Parisian taxi cars in Paris France 1945. Liberation. Rose Marie Chateletet. Langel.
Well dressed women and men passing Parisian taxi cars in Paris France 1945. Liberation. Rose Marie Chateletet. Langel.

Well dressed women and men passing Parisian taxi cars in Paris France 1945. Liberation. Rose Marie Chateletet. Langel.

le bon laid Maggi. Langel. Bijoutier Caroquinier. Rue De Luniversite

Trams in the middle of Princes Street Edinburgh Scotland 1944. Darling department store,  Lord Provost William Y Darling
Trams in the middle of Princes Street Edinburgh Scotland 1944. Darling department store, Lord Provost William Y Darling

Trams in the middle of Princes Street Edinburgh Scotland 1944. Darling department store, Lord Provost William Y Darling

Destroyed Orthodox Russian Church near Smolensk 1942, German officer in field
Destroyed Orthodox Russian Church near Smolensk 1942, German officer in field

Destroyed Orthodox Russian Church near Smolensk 1942, German officer in field

Wehrmacht army vehicle convoy drive through bombed destroyed Smolensk Russia 1941, Parade, Civilians
Wehrmacht army vehicle convoy drive through bombed destroyed Smolensk Russia 1941, Parade, Civilians

Wehrmacht army vehicle convoy drive through bombed destroyed Smolensk Russia 1941, Parade, Civilians

German army road signs in the bombed city of west Smolensk Russia September 1941
German army road signs in the bombed city of west Smolensk Russia September 1941

German army road signs in the bombed city of west Smolensk Russia September 1941

Cathedral of Smolensk, Russia 1942. Luftlotte 2. Headquarters. MERCEDES-BENZ 290 W18
Cathedral of Smolensk, Russia 1942. Luftlotte 2. Headquarters. MERCEDES-BENZ 290 W18

Cathedral of Smolensk, Russia 1942. Luftlotte 2. Headquarters.

Cathedral of Smolensk, near the river Dnepr, Russia 1943
Luftlotte 2 Major Heinrich Bindewald