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1. Location - Town - Cities (5070)

At the Gare d_qt_Orleans, France ~1940
At the Gare d_qt_Orleans, France ~1940

Kriegsmarine soldier at the Gare d_qt_Orleans, France ~1940

destroyed bridge over the river Oise in Compiègne, France ~1940
destroyed bridge over the river Oise in Compiègne, France ~1940

destroyed bridge over the river Oise in Compiègne, France ~1940

destroyed buildings near Cours de Chazelles in Lorient, France ~1940
destroyed buildings near Cours de Chazelles in Lorient, France ~1940

destroyed buildings near Cours de Chazelles in Lorient, France ~1940

bus station at Cours de Chazelles in Lorient, France ~1940
bus station at Cours de Chazelles in Lorient, France ~1940

two Kriegsmarine soldiers standing in front of the bus station at Cours de Chazelles, France ~1940

26th Panzer Divisions Nachrichten Abteilung Italy 1944 Volkswagen Kubelwagen Rome Anzio tropical
26th Panzer Divisions Nachrichten Abteilung Italy 1944 Volkswagen Kubelwagen Rome Anzio tropical

26th Panzer Divisions Nachrichten Abteilung Italy 1944 Volkswagen Kubelwagen Rome Anzio tropical

Reichsmusiktage "Entartete Musik" in Düsseldorf, Germany 1938
Reichsmusiktage "Entartete Musik" in Düsseldorf, Germany 1938

Reichsmusiktage "Entartete Musik" in Düsseldorf, Germany, May 1938

Reichsmusiktage "Entartete Musik" in Düsseldorf, Germany 1938
Reichsmusiktage "Entartete Musik" in Düsseldorf, Germany 1938

fountain at the Nordpark. Reichsmusiktage "Entartete Musik" in Düsseldorf, Germany, May 1938

castle of Marienburg, Germany 1941
castle of Marienburg, Germany 1941

Wehrmacht soldiers posing in front of the castle of Marienburg, Germany 1941

castle of Marienburg, Germany 1941
castle of Marienburg, Germany 1941

Wehrmacht soldiers posing in front of the castle of Marienburg, Germany 1941

Head of Medicine in the German Army, Doctor Siegfried Adolf Handloser, 9th Panzer Division. Ukraine 1941.
Head of Medicine in the German Army, Doctor Siegfried Adolf Handloser, 9th Panzer Division. Ukraine 1941.

Head of Medicine in the German Army, Doctor Siegfried Adolf Handloser, 9th Panzer Division. Ukraine 1941.

Generaloberstabsarzt Prof.Dr.med. Siegfried Adolf Handloser (25 March 1885 – 3 July 1954),
Chefs des Wehrmachtsanitätswesens (Chief of the Medical Services of the Wehrmacht).
It was the most important medical position in the entire German Armed Forces and the Waffen-SS.

The medal below the 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse is Grossherzoglich Oldenburgisches Friedrich August-Kreuz I.Klasse

Augustusbrücke in Dresden, Germany 1939
Augustusbrücke in Dresden, Germany 1939

Augustusbrücke in Dresden, Germany 1939

Augustusbrücke in Dresden, Germany 1939
Augustusbrücke in Dresden, Germany 1939

Augustusbrücke in Dresden, Germany 1939

crocodiles in the Dresden zoo, Germany 1939
crocodiles in the Dresden zoo, Germany 1939

crocodiles in the Dresden zoo, Germany 1939

broken rail bridge near Belgrade, Serbia ~1941
broken rail bridge near Belgrade, Serbia ~1941

a broken rail bridge near Belgrade, Serbia ~1941

construction of a wooden bridge next to a broken rail bridge near Belgrade, Serbia ~1941
construction of a wooden bridge next to a broken rail bridge near Belgrade, Serbia ~1941

workers built a new wooden bridge next to a broken rail bridge near Belgrade, Serbia ~1941